Monday (XI)

126 7 1

900 words exactly

I was looking at my phone every five minutes to check the time. The bell was about to ring, which gave me a mix of emotions. I was happy that I could get my mind off Mitch, but I was also sad that I had to leave him. I was anxious for what we were going to do after school. I was planning on keeping the act up after school so it wasn't normal, just so it was easier to stay friends while we were at school. There would be a few make out sessions here and there, but nothing too crazy. The bell finally rang and I jumped out of my chair and hugged Mitch goodbye before heading off to English class. I wasn't an amazing English student, but I wasn't terrible. I payed attention in class, but I didn't always get the best grades. I got into the classroom and sat down in the back. The teacher was already there and had a message written on the board. It read:

"We are taking a break from reading as we just finished the book. Feel free to do what ever you want this period but be prepared to start reading your next book tomorrow"

I was really happy about taking a break from reading a boring book that didn't make sense to me. I pulled out my earbuds from my backpack and plugged it into my phone to listen to music. I opened the Pandora app and opened the Today's Hits radio. (a/n don't hate me but this song really helps with the storyline, yes its a ptx song but i think her voice is perf for it) The first song that started playing was "Water" by Taylor Swift. I loved that song and it always inspired me. I thought about Mitch while listening to the lyrics.

It's ten past two still up thinking over you
That's true, I do think about him all the time.
If I showed you all I really want to
I really do want to show him a lot of things. Sexual and not.
Would you stay dare to push me away
I hope he stays, I mean, stays with the idea of having me as a boyfriend and not a friend. Please don't push me away.
I just can't return anymore
I can't return to the old times, when he was my best friend and not a dating partner.
Timid heart, hide my scars
I am really timid about this.
Make me stronger
This'll make me stronger, hopefully. I don't know.
I can't take this any longer
I can't be friends with him anymore.
I need, I need you like water
I have to have him as my boyfriend and I need to be around him all the time.
It's on the tip of my tongue
I don't even know what I'm gonna tell him.
I'm not asking for much
I'm not asking him to marry me, just to be my boyfriend.
Just your love and not another
I need him to commit to me and no one else.
Cause your embrace keeps me warmer
His hugs give me immediate comfort. 1000%.
Could I tell you this time
I have to ask him somehow. Hopefully I get it through my nerves.
How I wish you were mine
I wish he was mine forever. No doubt about that one.
My voice cracks, I wait for it to pass
I hope my voice doesn't crack. That would be embarrassing.
Heart beats fast for words I can't take back
I hope he won't be able to hear my heart beating out of my chest. I definitely can't take back what I'll ask him.
And so I pray I don't drive you away
I really don't wanna make him scared of commitment.
Cause I'm scared of what I have to tell you

I'm terrified of how I'm gonna pull this off. I tuned out the rest of the song as I thought about how to ask him. Maybe I could make it a whole public fiasco and get help from all my friends. Or I could just ask him after a slow dance. It'll have to be towards the beginning so we could show our love throughout the dance. I could ask him before, like maybe on Thursday. No, too early. I could ask him Friday during school, or after school. But what do I ask him? I started to write down a few things to help.

what to ask Mitch:
be my boyfriend

That's all I could come up with. That's all I had to ask him. But how? Should I keep it simple or involve the whole student body? If I have the student body part of it, then they won't be able to keep their mouths shut and post things on social media, and Mitch would definitely find out about it then. That would be a nightmare. I could ask Kirstie and Jeremy to help. And maybe Avi and Kevin. The bell rang, startling me. I guess it really was 45 minutes. I turned off my music and put my phone back in my pocket and packed up everything. I folded up the small piece of paper and stuffed it in my pocket, hoping to work on it later. I grabbed all my stuff and headed over to the gym for choir class.

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