chapter 6

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It was a brand new morning, and the last morning of my bourding school, i was soo excited for pipon, and i was so sad i was leaving my friends, I was going to get new friends soon, i think.

I headed to the shower, today i was only going to wash my body and face because i washed my haid yesterday, i sung as i showered, the song dimonds by rhianna.

I got out and wraped a towle around my body, i walked into my room and started to get dressed,and it the last time im going to wear this uniform, once i had got dressed i went to put my makeup on, a little eye shadow, blusher, and a bit of lipgloss.

I headed downstairs and went to the kitchen, i desided on a apple, i sat down on the island in the middle of the kitchen, i ate it and ran upstaires to brush my teeth.

I was done brushing my teeth, then i  went to put my shoes on, i sat on my bed and pondered while doing it, when i looked down i say the scariest thing in my life, a huge spider, hairy, long leged, i screemed the whole house down,  i ran out my room and grabed my phone on the way out,  i grabed my keys and my bag, i jumped out of the door and into the car, i drove to school as quickly as i could, i pulled up at my normal parking space and headed inside.

There were my friends waiting for me in the cantien, it looked like they where all holding something, they where all wispering because i couldent hear them, they are all ways the loudest in the school.

I walked over to them, they all turened around and saw me, they insantly had a smile on there faces, they all looked back at the table ,they started to whisper again and they looked back at me, i ust carried on walking towards them, in unison they all turned and faced me, they all got up from there seats and sung, "suprice", they moved out the way and i say all the presents from them, my jaw droped and i ran over and huged everyone.

"You didnt have to" i said to them all.

"We wanted to" tey all said in unison.

"Awww thanks" i said running over to the presents.

"Your welcome" joe added in.

"Are you going to open them or what?" shelly asked me.

i started to open them littlest to biggest, te first present i opened was shoes, the high heals i have wanted for ages, i put a shocked face on, they where beautiful silve and baby pink dimonties, i opened the 2nd present, it was an xbox 360 with kenect and wit every game there is on xbox, i got microsoft points wit the xbox and xbox live, (Headset too), the 3rd present was a electrical keyboard, the ones you get in music, the 4th present was an electrical guatar, with stand and sterio, the 5th present was mac makeup, soap and glory, and no 7 makeup, the 6th present was a full dimond neckalace,  and all the rest where stuff like that too.

The bell rang when i had goten everything in my car, i ran to form and sat at our table, miss came over and she had bought me something to, she had bought me a bottle of red wine, she knows im to young doesnt she.

"Good luck tia the girls told me" Miss hannagan said to me.

"Awww thanks miss"i replied.

"Its ok ,its the least i could do" she added in.

--4 th lesson--

"Hey why did you tell miss?" i asked jenni.

"It wasent my idea, it was joes" She answered.

"Ohhhh ok" i said back to her.

"Miss jenni shaw and miss celestia murphy , please settle down back there, tia i know its your last day an all but please stop talking" miss ashley said to me and jenni, and yes it is maths, and yes i didnt have to do any work, so i dont know why i dont get to talk.

"Sorry miss" i said and put my head down on the table.

----- lunch-----

"Hey tia" Rheannon said to me.

"Hey reh" I annswered back to her "how you doing?"

"Fine, you?" she asked me.

"Fine" i replied.

"Gooooooooooood" she added to the convisation.

i satdown in the middle of all of them, all eyes where on me and i felt awkward.

"What?" i asked all of them.

"Nothing its just the last lunch we will spend with you at school" sam siad to me.

"Ohhhhhhhhhh" i replied to them all.

-end of day-

"Do you want to come round mine tomorrow?" i asked the girls.

"Yeh sure" they said while hugging me.

"ok you can let go now" i said to all of them.

"Ok" they all said in unison.

they let go of me and i tryed so hard not to ug them again, i hopped into my car and waved from the window, i rolled it down and shouted" i love you".

I think that was one of the last times i will ever see my friends, that is the last time i will ever step foot in that school, last time i would ever park in that parking space, last time i would where this uniform, last time i would be in miss hannagans form, last time for everything that happened in that school.

I went home as fast as i could, i got there within 20 minutes, i unpacked everything that was in my boot of my car, i went inside and put everything down, i went upstaires to get changed into my pj's, i just lay in bed watching tv waiting for my dad to come home.

I ran downstaires and hugged him, i let go after about a minute.

"Daddy your home" i said to him.

"Yeh i am" he replied back to me.

"New school tomorrow" i said excitingly to him.

 "Yeh isnt it exciting?" he asked me.

"Yeh it is, but in going to miss my friends" i answered.

"They can come round anytime" he said to me.

"Ohhhh and their coming round tomorrow, just to let you know" i said to him admitadly.

"Ok im going to have a kip" He said to me while walking upstaires.

"Oh ok see you later then" I said to him.

I headed to the games room and pluged in the xbox, first i made an avatar, then i put in call of duty (cod as its know in england), i started to play the story, i played and complited it withing 2 hours, i then played x-box live and went on nuke town, i beat 15 people and i only died once, all my kills where head shots, and i had the most points, i had already got prestede 5 and i only played 16 games, after i was tiered of playing cod, it was about 9pm i want upstaires to rest my eyes for the night, tomorrow was going to be a long day and i dont kno how im going to make friends, and i dont think i will fit in.

i went to sleep as my head hit the pillow, i instantly had a dream of me being bullied, of being rich, for being 5'11 foot, my dream stoped as light hit my eyes, i woke up.



sorry for it being short, and sorry for any mestakes.

if anyone would like a deadakated chapter then i will do that for them.

love you all, you all my biggest fans.

-storm- x

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