He gave me a scary look in the eyes and then left. I was left by his scent as I could feel the wind from his moving body passed by. I looked at Amelia and her eyes were also widened by disbelief and she shrugged her shoulders off, just to forget about what we saw.

"I still do not know why he was so mad about the shoe thing," I said as we both walked towards the line to wait for our turns. My stomach was growling so loudly and I could feel my intestines are about to eat themselves if I can't get myself something to chew and swallow on.

"To be completely honest, I would really get mad too if someone did that to me because I love my shoes. Although, he mentioned that those shoes were valuable to him," Amelia says as I look at the foods that were displayed. I found a food that my stomach was longing for and so I grabbed it before someone could.

"Why? It was valuable because it was expensive? Oh, sure!" I said as I rolled my eyes and proceeded to pay for my food after getting all of the foods I want to munch on.

"But, he was wrong to act like that. Shouting at you because you did something that you didn't intentionally do. He's about to go crazy," Amelia comments.

We both exited the cafeteria and went outside to eat instead of sitting inside, seeing a glimpse of Katie's venomous looks and the hungry high school students who are with their own cliques as they all start spreading news and spilling their tea from one another.

I grabbed my pizza and took a goodful bite. My lips were smiling and my tongue was satisfied by the taste and my stomach was ready to receive the reward, "It was really scary seeing Cayden like that. Especially when I already saw it twice--don't you think it's too much?" I said.

I chew the pizza on my mouth and swallowed it. I took another bite, "Was he really that scary? Just wait until you see him fight with other guys," Amelia says as she takes a bite of her own pizza. I stole some fries from her tray and shoved it into my mouth before she could notice.

We continue eating. I was about to speak when all of a sudden, I see a shadow blocking the ray of the sun that was shining through my food tray. I look up and saw two of Cayden's friends—Logan and Noah.

I squint my eyes to look at the both of them. My head turns to the side to look at Amelia and I could tell that she was holding her breath as she was intensely admiring Noah's face from her perfectly good view. "Hey!" They both said in unison.

"Uh, hi?" I said as I look at Noah then looked at Logan. "What are you guys doing here outside? Shouldn't you guys be at your table?" I asked as Logan was a bit taken aback by what I said. He flutters his eyes and looks at me directly into my eyes.

"Just because we represent the school and play as the varsities of the football team, doesn't mean we can just stick to a certain clique and I know that seeing us from your point of views looks like we ignore people just because we look like players, by heart and by game, itself."

"Alright, hold your horses!—"

"My horse is attached to its certain area and it is perfectly stable," Logan defends himself as he covers his crotch using both of his hands as Amelia rolls her eyes from being cut off by Logan's childish imagination.

"What I mean is, you don't have to get that far by explaining your point because, yes, we do understand and what Hailey means," Amelia says as she looks at me, her eyes widened, "she just thought you would like probably ignore us since you guys are way more popular to be hanging around with people like us."

"People like you are sweet," Noah interjects as he looks at Amelia. She looked at Noah as her eyes widen and as her cheeks turn from pale to bright pink. She cups both of her cheeks with her hands, trying to hide the fact of her blushing as Noah smiles at by the way she acts.

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