Who are you?

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-Liam's Pov-

"Im sorry to say this but.. " The doctor stopped. "Maybe you should find out for yourselfs." 

I looked at the boys confused. 

"Umm, Niall, Alessandra, Zayn and Tessa. Go to Louis. Me and Wendy will go to Harry." Everyone nodded. The doctor took us too the room. I walked in, Harry was laying there. Cuts everywhere, a cast on his leg and a bandage on his head. His eyes are open. I sheded a few tears.

He was alive, thats all that mattered. 

"Hey Harry." I walked alittle closer to him. He look up at me. He gave me a confused look. 


"How are you feeling?" I asked. I had a hold on Wendys hand. 

"Umm, fine." He looked scared. I didn't come any closer.

"Are you scared of me?" I gave him a confused look, I looked at Wendy, she shrugged. 

"No." He looked away. "I've got a question." He looked me straight in the eyes. "Who are you?"

I stepped back. I was shocked. "I-I'm Liam. One of your best mates. This is Wendy, my girlfriend." I looked at Wendy, she looked down and blushed. I looked back up at Harry.

"Well how did I get here?" He asked. I shook my head. 

"I don't know." 

"Liam. we have a problem in Louis's room." I turned aroudn to see Niall. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Come see for yourself." I nodded. 

"Stay here." I said to Wendy then kissed her. I left the room and walked next door.  I walked in Louis's room. Louis wasn't as bad looking as Harry.   "Whats wrong?"

"Louis ha-" Zayn was cut off. 

"Who are you?" Louis asked. Oh my gosh. Not him too. 

"Whats wrong with you Liam? You look really pale." Alessandra asked. 

"Har-Harry can't remember either." I stuttered out. Everyone was quit. We all just looked at eachother. 

"What are we gonna do?" Niall asked. I shrugged. 

"If there love was true and real then there feeling should still be there." I stated.

"Who's Harry?" Louis asked. 

Just then the doctored walked in. He looked at everyone. 

"Its only short term memory loss. They should regain it, maybe not anytime soon. But they will." We nodded. I looked at Louis, I saw him wipe a tear away.  Somethings not right. 

-Louis's Pov-

"Its only short term memory loss. They should regain it, maybe not anytime soon. But they will." The doctor said. I started to shed a tear, I quickly wiped it. Harry won't remember me?

Yeah, I was faking it. I payed the doctor. Don't ask why.  It just felt like the right thing to do. 

Just like when I cut myself, it just feels so right. Feels good. I look at my arms. They are bandaged up where I cut. I look up at everyone. The doctor is gone. Everyone is looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"The doctor said you can today." Liam said. I nodded. 

"Im gonna go check on Harry. Come on Tessa." Zayn said. He grabbed her hand and walked out. 

I only tried to protect you. (Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies Sequel) (Larry S.)Where stories live. Discover now