Harry, i'm finally able too see again soon, just wait.

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-Louis's POV-

"LOUIS!" I heard a scream coming from the downstairs. I woke up and ran downstairs. 

"Ye-Yes Justin?" I stuttered, I was scared. Its been 2 weeks living with him. Nobody has came and helped me. 

Justin beats me everyday then rapes me afterwards. This is my life now. I cry every night then cut more. I know what you thinking, Call for the police or the boys. Well I can't.  I don't want Justin to hurt them. He carrys a gun with him everywhere. 

"Go get me a beer." He demand. I walked into the kitchen and got one. I walked out and gave it to him. He ripped it outta my hand. He glared at me. I ran back upstairs, then I heard my phone ring. I answered it, ignoring the caller id. But I didn't even get to say 'Hello' before I heard screaming. 

"Hes missing!" I heard Liam scream.

"I know! Its been two weeks!" Zayn screamed. I heard crying, that much be Niall. 

"Why has he been ignoring our calls?" Niall said, so hes not the one sobbing, then who is?

"I don't know." Liam said, I have been ignoring there calls. I just don't want them hurt. Justin might kill them.

"Do-Do you th-think he com-committed?" I heard someone sob, who is that? There was a long silence. Before I could think any longer, someone came into my room. 

"Louis!" I jumped. I dropped the phone.

"Ye-Yes?" He was angry. 

"Who are you on the phone with?!" He screamed coming closer to me, grabbing me by my collar. 

"No-No one" I stuttered.  Then he threw me on the ground.

"Your a piece of shit Louis! No one will ever love you!" Then kicked me.

"Ahh! Fuck Justin, im sorry!" I screamed.

"No your not!" Then he broke down crying. I got up carefuly and moved too him. I put my arm on his shoulder. 

"Whats wrong Justin?" I asked.

"You just left me." He sobbed. I pulled my hand away.

"Because you cheated on me!" I screamed, but big mistake. He punched me in the face. I grabbed my nose and fell. 

"YOUR GONNA REGRET SAYING THAT LOUIS!" Then he came over to me and kept kicking me and punching me. He stopped and went to the desk, my vision was blurry, I was crying so hard right now. Before I knew what was happing, I felt sharp pain splattered all over me, but the pain felt good. Like ive done it before. 

After that he left, probably tired. I couldn't move. I just layed on the floor, hoping I would die. I moved my head and saw blood.  I closed my eyes. 

"God, please take me from my misery. Please. I wanna be with Harry." I whispered then falling into a deep sleep. 

-Harry's POV-

"He's missing!" Liam screamed. Its been about 2 weeks, nobody could fine Louis. We looked everywhere! We tried to get the police to help but after a week, they gave up. Dicks. 

"I know! Its been two weeks!" Zayn screamed. I started to sob. I miss Louis so much, now he is missing.

"Why has he been ignoring our calls?" Niall asked, then something poped into my head. What if he wasn't ignoring our calls. What-What  if he.. Oh my God.

"I don't know" Liam answered. 

"Do-Do you th-think he com-committed?" I stuttered out.  I cried harder. Everyone was quiet. Then we heard a faint voice.

I only tried to protect you. (Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies Sequel) (Larry S.)Where stories live. Discover now