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One year later

"Let's go see a movie!" I decided.

Jesse and I were eating ice cream at the Venice boardwalk, which was something we'd been doing since the year before nearly every weekend. For me, it felt out of place if we didn't. For Jesse, he just about had a panic attack. He'd best himself up and try to make up for it the day right after. If he couldn't do that either, he'd be pulling his hair for a week.

"Yeah? Which one?" asked Jesse eagerly.

I finished off my ice cream. "Hm, well, you like baseball, and I like a good non-cheesy movie so how about 42-Oh! And don't forget-"

"Calvin. Come on, we never get to go out, just you and me," Jesse grumbled.

I frowned at him while he didn't look at me and continued to not as he finished his ice cream and began licking his fingers. Then he turned to me with pleading, innocent eyes.

I didn't want to hear him continue complaining so I quickly told him, "I see you more than I see him these days, and we're going to graduate soon. We're both going to go to local colleges, while Calvin saved up for university out of state."

Jesse and I were going to attend Santa Monica College, where he would study to major in buisness and kinesiology and I in engineering and physics. If I failed at college, I always had my backup plan: the marines. However, Jesse wasn't so keen on that plan and even said he'd do all my homework and somehow make sure I passed the classes so I wouldn't go into-and I quote-"the army". My dear Jesse couldn't even get the branch right.

"Yeah but-"

"What happened yesterday?" I interrupted flatly.

"We fought," Jesse muttered almost inaudibly.

Why did we fight you might ask? Well, Jesse thought we didn't spend enough time together. Of course.

However, we both had a job. Jesse was also on the cross country team. I babysat Carrie still. And we were still in school with homework.

"And where did I go?" I questioned him.

"To Calvin-which really bugs me. Y-" he complained, but I still would hear none if it.

"And who apologized first?"

"You." Jesse wasn't angry but he was far from happy.

"Because of?"


I gave Jesse an annoyed look. That was not the correct answer, and he knew it. Jesse was trying to be right, while I was trying to be right also. Of course, like always, I was going to win.

"More Calvin."

* It's finished! Thank you for all of your great support. I never would have imagined it to get anywhere near one thousand! Thank you, you awesome people! One last thing I will ask of you to do for this book would be to tell me who your favorite character was. You can say why if you want, but I won't mind if you don't. Just curious as to who the most popular character is! Thank you, and I hope you enjoyed what you read *

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