The Special Bond Belonging Only To Siblings

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* Big thank you to sallymarie90 for the idea! *

The Special Bond Belonging Only To Siblings

Wednesday continued

Calvin and I walked onto my porch.

I can't believe I am about to let freaking Calvin Eaton into my home, I thought as I gripped the door handle. Oh, man, so many things could go wrong that would make this situation end in a brawl between Calvin and I in front of Caroline...At least Mom isn't home yet.

And with that, I opened the door and walked in, Calvin right me behind me. My house sure as hell wasn't the best, but I'd seen worse and was fine with mine as a result.

Little, sweet, innocent Caroline was sitting on the couch...EATING MY CANDY!!!!!

"Caroline!" I screamed and went to lung forward.

Calvin wrapped one arm around my waist as I thrashed and shrieked. Caroline became scared, dropped the bag of candy, and bolted to the other side of the couch from crazy me. Calvin threw me to the ground and raced over to his little sister. While they embraced and Calvin looked like he was squeezing the life out of his little sister, I raced over to where my bag of candy lay. Half of it was gone. I turned sharply to Calvin and Caroline, glaring at them.


"She sleeps at your house. I'll pay for anything she needs and try to visit as often as possible," concluded Calvin.

"I'm sorry, but that's bullshit! How can someone be allergic to chocolate?!" I shouted because he'd told me that earlier after he saw she'd gotten into the candy bag. Lucky I was sort of obsessed with chocolate and so by now anything with chocolate in it was gone.

"Then we have an accord?" Calvin asked.

"I hate your fucking guts," I snarled as I slapped his hand away. "You owe me big time."

What was going on? Caroline would be staying at my place to be kept safe away from Mr. And Mrs. Eaton. Calvin reassured me that they wouldn't care enough to really call the police on me. They were all mouth and Mr. Eaton was all fists, especially while drunk. At least, that's what Calvin told me.

Calvin, as he said, would pay me back for all the food she ate, clothes she wore, toys she bought, and all the other expenses she would bring along with her. He said if he finally paid the day he died or became broke when he most needed money, he would still pay me back. He even wrote it down.

I was an only child. I would never experience how strong Caroline and Calvin felt for each other as siblings. I could only catch a glimpse of the special bond belonging only to siblings by watching them. And that was only a sliver of the real thing.

* Comment on your opinion about it! I'm going to publish two chapters this week becuase they're both short Enjoy! *

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