Three Strikes

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Three Strikes


I shook the spray paint can. I knew I shouldn't, but I had to. I knew it was bad, and I would get in trouble. But, you can only get in trouble if you get caught, which wasn't part of the plan. I also knew I needed some kind of revenge, which was indeed part of the plan. 

I stood in the gym, alone. The only sound came from my spray paint can. As far as I knew, I was the only being in school. Except maybe the ghosts of the students murdered here a while back. Just kidding. I never was one to believe in stuff like that. There was a murder though. It was about 5 years before I entered into my freshman year. So, using my smart brain, I figured out that was 8 years ago total. Unless I was wrong, but I don't think I was.

Anyways, I began to spray Henry's name. Henry Maxwell Smidt. I sprayed it in a bright hot pink color on one of the four gym inside walls. Next was Will's turn. I sprayed 'William Jackson Red' in a neon purple.

I had the cans for a while. I wasn't sure how to use them, but I figured they would come in handy for one great, evil revenge prank. And, boy, had I proved myself right!


"Bro, did you hear about the gym?" asked Randy. "It's closed off for some reason-none of the staff will say anything!"

"Huh?" asked Will and Henry looked up.

Another voice, one over the speaker, interrupted them.

"William Red and Henry Smidt to the office immediately," demanded the principal's voice over the intercom.

Will and Henry looked at each other. It was only first period. They hadn't done anything, yet. They both wondered if someone had over heard their plan for chemistry class and squealed. 

"Do you think-" began Henry.

"We'll kill them," growled Will, not wanting to lose cross country, but still finding anger release in ruining others lives. From then until they found it boring, Will and Henry had decided to try to ruin the little weasel of the school. Small yet fierce yet cowardly. Rachel Fletcher.

Will and Henry were greeted by Mr. Collins, the new principal. The other one had gotten in a car accident early in the year and had not come back.

"Yes, Mr. Collins?" asked Henry.

"Follow me," he growled unpleasantly.

At first they weren't sure where the principal would be taking them. But soon, they recognized they were headed in the direction of the gym.

"Yo, the gym?" whispered Henry, but Will just shrugged with a frown in reply. Neither of them knew what was going on, but they knew one thing for sure: Rachel's pretty little face wouldn't be so pretty once they were through with her. Only she would dare to stand up against them, to try and get back at them. 

They walked into the gym. Henry's eyes bulged. Will's eyes grew and his mouth dropped.

"What...the...fuck?" murmured Will.

"Shit, we got fans," Henry joked dryly.

"Did you two do this?" inquired Mr. Collins, used to the cussing-and worse.

"No!" shouted Henry with raw honesty.

"Dude-I mean Mr. Principal"-Will had forgotten his name, and his temper was not helping his memory-"Do you really think we'd do something that would get kicked off the cross country team? We work hard on our grades. Detention once in freshman made us miss a meet-we haven't misbehaved since!"

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