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"Tag! Your it!" The young girl laughed tapping her friend's shoulder and ran quick through the woods.
"Hey!! Oh I'm gonna get you! Her friend laughed. The young girl darted to the left and hid behind a bush. "Sophia! Where are you?!" Sophia giggled quietly. She then saw her friend walk by, not seeing her. After he walked away, she stood up and ran to the right across a path then straying it into a large thicket of thorns and prickly branches. "I heard you!!" Her friend laughed and ran towards the sound, she took off before her friend could catch up, Sophia looped around to avoid her friend. She turned her head to look behind her. She saw them turn in the opposite direction. She sighed running.

Then her leg went down she gasped and tripped. She fell. Falling. Falling. Falling.


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