I'm Replaceable

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I'm sure everyone has felt this, even the most happy people. People change, move on, leave you behind. So when I say I'm replaceable I mean it.

People. Everyone in the world.
They call people they love stars, but stars aren't really special. They are infinite. Replaceable.

Everyone thinks that they truly mean it when they say they won't leave. When they promise you the world and say they understand you. That they care. Maybe a small part of them really does mean it. But there is that bigger part of them. The one that evolves and grows out of friendships like a snake grows out of its skin. They move on.

This is something everyone does. Even I do it. I do it again and again and it gets harder and harder because as I grow more, my feelings grow deeper and deeper.

I'll leave for reasons like, "They changed." Or the one that kills me inside most, "They hurt me." I feel bad about it and then I realize, I am unimportant. After a while they will forget all about me and I will become nothing in their memories. I will become stupid nights and stupid promises and thats ok.

It is stupid.

Why do we bother making friends? Everyone goes. Everyone leaves. People will never stay.

It gets even worse when the person is leaving you. Am I too much? Am I a bad friend? Did they find someone better? That's another time you realize how replaceable you are.

I am worthless.
I am nothing.
I am one star in the infinite galaxy of stars.

I am replaceable.

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