Chapter Six...

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Chapter Six…

Dezi’s P.O.V.

I put on my favorite booty shorts a white slim shirt and a white bra. I put on my ankle UGGS and a panda bear hat with little paws that come down to my waist.

We then called Simon. He picked up on the third ring.


“Hi Simon! It’s Dezi and Amber!”

“Oh hello.” He said sounding less Simon Cowell-ish.

“We were wondering if Dezi could be Zayn’s date to the VMA’s.” Amber asked.

“And if Amber could be Louis’s date to the VMA’s?” I asked.

“Well I guess that could be arranged.”

“Oh please Uncle Simon! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!” Amber and I said at the same time.

“Very well then. Would you like to tell them?”


“Ok then. I need to go but I will see you later.”

“Bye Simon! Thank you!” we said and we hung up.

I jumped up and ran down the stairs with amber right behind me. I walked into the kitchen to see the boys sitting at the island. They were all eating sandwiches. I looked at Zayn and Amber looked at Louis. Then we looked at each other.

“What are you guys doing?” Harry asked.

“We have an announcement!” I said.

“What?” Liam said.

“We found dates for 2 of you for the VMA’s!” Amber said. “I’m Louis date!”

“And whose lucky guy that get’s to go with you?” Zayn asked.

“You.” I said blushing. Zayn smiled and got then came over and gave me a peck on the lips. Niall got up quickly and stomped out of the room.

Part 1 of the plan worked out perfectly. Now for part 2…

Niall’s P.O.V.

Wtf?! She is taking Zayn! Did that kiss in the tree and by the towels mean nothing to her?! I don’t just hand out kisses ya know! I can’t believe I walked in on them making out! God I’m so stupid!

I threw down the sandwich I was eating and stormed out. I walked out to the back porch near the pool. I sat there and just started thinking. I’m going to write a song. A good song and I won’t tell anyone about it. Now I need my guitar.

 I got up and walked through the living room. Noticing that Louis and Amber where getting for close together on the couch. I realized something, in the layout of the house you have to walk to the kitchen to get to the main hall where the stairs are located. Damn it. I walked towards the kitchen.

Right as I was about to go in Amber came out with Zayn holding onto her waist.

“Hey Niall!” she said all perky and happy.

“Hi.” I said scooting around her and trying not to cry. I can’t believe this how she can break someone’s heart and not even blink about it. I already had an idea for a song in my head. Now I just needed to write it down and come up with a cool name for it…

A few hours later I had the song ready. I decided I’m going to call it “Torn”. (A/n I know this is already a song but just go with it bro, just go with it.)

I sat there on the porch playing softly so no one would hear it.

I thought I saw a girl brought to life,

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