Chapter Three...

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Chapter Three…

Dezi’s P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of voices coming from the kitchen along with the clanking of spoons (and forks) against bowls as Amber and the guys ate their cereal. I sat up and walked toward my bedroom to pick out some clothes. I picked out a simple outfit from my closet and headed toward my en-suite bathroom.

I walked in and turned the shower on and set it on warm. I stepped in and started washing my hair and body. As I was cleaning myself I started singing “Army of Love” By Kerli, one of my favorite artists.

Say it loud

Uhuh uh uh

We love to love to love ya

Say it loud

Uhuh uh uh

We love to love to love ya.

There was a knock at the door.


“Hey girl! I thought I could hear you singing! I need to come in because I need to do my hair and make-up.” I heard Amber yell back.

“K! It’s unlocked! And leave your hair normal we are going to do our hair today? Remember?” I called as she walked in.

“Oh yeah! OK! What are you going to do?”

“Probably add some white streaks to my hair.” I said. I didn’t like my hair it was plain black, and was kind of long. “What about you?”

“I’m going to make my hair a red velvet color!”

“OMG!!!! That’s going to look sexxxxxyyyyyyyyy on you!!!!!!!” I yelled as I put my clothes and make-up on. We finished and walked out into the living room.

“Hey guys we are going to go do our hair we’ll be back in an hour or so! Bye!” I yelled at them as we walked out the door.

“BBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEE” They screamed tackling us with hugs. Niall kissed me on the lips “Have fun.” he said.

“I will.” I said to him.

 I turned and looked at the other four they were giving us looks.

“Bye! Don’t destroy the house!” I yelled as I ran out the house blushing and met Amber in the car.

And then we started the car and drove off.

Niall’s P.O.V.

I watched as Dezi drove off to the hair place. Once she was out of sight I turned around and jumped on Harry’s back.

“Heeeeeeellllllllpppppppp!!!  Niall is attacking me!!!” He screamed. The boys came running Louis jumped at me and knocked off Harry’s back and onto the couch. Zayn tackled Harry to the floor and started tickling him.

“GUYS!! QUIT IT!!! SIMON IS CALLING ME!!!” Liam yelled at us as he picked up his phone.  He put on speaker then set it on the coffe table in front of him.

“Hello Boys.” Simon said through the phone.

“Hello Simon.” We all chorused.

“I have some news. You will all be going to the VMA’s this year”

We jumped and yelled.”YEAH BUDDY!” I screamed.

“BUT!” We all froze to hear what Simon was going to say. “Each of you will have a date.”

“I’m taking Dezi!” I said.

“I’m afraid that you don’t get to pick who you take boys.”

“What?” We looked around at each other then returned our attention to the phone as Simon had started speaking again.

“Tomorrow we will have auditions to give you all a chance to pick a girl.”

“What? Why?”

“To keep up your image that’s why. Ten AM sharp. No if ands or buts about it.”

“Simon wait wh-“Louis started.

“See you tomorrow and sleep well. Goodbye.” He said and hung up.

“This is unfair!” Harry yelled.

“Shut up Harry!” Louis yelled. “It’s not like you would have a date anyways!” I knew about Harry’s crush on Amber and so did Louis but the other boys didn’t. Harry knew what Louis meant.

“Whatever! Just shut up Louis.” Harry yelled as he ran up the stairs. A few seconds later we heard a door slam.

“Well,” Liam said breaking the awkward silence.

“Well What?!” Louis snapped. Then he noticed our faces.  “Sorry. I didn’t mean that. It’s just Harry is being so difficult!”

We all sat there in silence for a few minutes. Finally I broke the silence.

“I’m hungry!” I whined.

“Let’s go get food then.” Liam said grabbing his car keys. “The girls shouldn’t be back for another half hour or so.”

“I’m going to stay I’m not that hungry.” Zayn said surprising us all, since he had not spoken since the call with Simon.

“OK.”  Liam replied.

“LEGGO!” I yelled running to the door. “SHOTGUN!” I said beating Louis to the car.

“”No Faaaaaaaaaairrrrrrrr!” He whined.

“I was here first so HA!” I replied sticking out my tongue.

“Well then!” Louis Huffed. “I call the trunk!”

“Okay then.” I said.

“Is that legal?” Liam asked.

“Who cares?” Louis said as we piled in.

“FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD HERE I COOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed out the window as we drove down the street. God I love Dezi... wait where did that come from? I love food not Dezi foooood!


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