Chapter Five...

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Chapter Five…

Dezi’s P.O.V.

“Umm… I’m going to go change into my swimsuit.” I said pushing past Niall and going into my room. I heard Zayn say something then Niall yell and a door slamming. A few seconds later there was another slam then silence. An unbearable silence. I heard footsteps and then a knock on someone’s door.

“Niall?” I heard Liam say. A few seconds later I heard a door open then close. Then feet on the stairs.  Everyone is downstairs now except for me… and maybe Zayn. Then I heard one last door open then close. Footsteps on the stairs yet again then silence. A few minutes later I heard a splash. They were in the pool.

I stood up from the door. And walked into my bathroom. I picked up my phone and looked at my mentions on twitter. A had a few thousand followers now. And a bunch of hate, I read some of the tweets. (A/n and sorry if it happens to be your twitter name I just thought of random ones.)


God @DeziBooBooo is so fat and ugly how can the boys stand it she should kill herself.


Wow @DeziBooBooo thinks she sooo cool well that’s not true she is a slut and whore!!


I know @DeziBooBooo she is a slut and whore and she cuts herself too! She is sooo skanky and rude!

I knew the last girl she went to my school before I graduated and became a singer. She was always super mean. A new tweet popped up.


Hey mofos have you ever had your heart broken by a beautiful girl and person you thought you trusted? No? Well I have and it hurts. #IAmSadVerySad D’:

That tweet broke me. I ran into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. I opened the third drawer on the left and took out one of the small blades I have hidden under my washcloths.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door and then Liam’s voice.

“Dezi? Can I talk to you? Are you in there?”

I opened my palm and slide the blade across it made a solid red line of blood appear. It quickly gathered and ran down the length of my arm until it dripped off of my elbow. I quickly did a smaller one on my wrist I washed up and then put on my bathing suit.

Liam was still knocking on my door.

“Hey sorry I was changing in the bathroom and didn’t hear you.” I said smiling a fake smile to hide the tears.

“Oh ok. Are you alright?” he asks looking at me closely.

“Yeah I’m fine let’s go swimming!” I said with fake cheeriness. Luckily he bought it. We ran down the stairs and I jumped straight into the pool. I was only wearing my suit and I loved the water. I did a perfect nose dive and came up in the deep end. Suddenly I saw blood quite a bit of it. I forgot the chlorine makes my cuts bleed if they are not healed!

I looked up and saw everyone staring at me. I jumped up and so did amber we ran into the house ignoring the boys who were calling our names. We ran into my room and I washed away the blood and put band aids on.

“Dezi why?” amber asked. I showed her the tweets all of them.

“I get hate all the time.” Amber told me.

“It’s not those.” I said “it’s this one.” I showed her Niall’s tweet and she looked at me and saw the pain in my eyes.

“Oh Dezi!” she said and she hugged me. I cried into her shoulder and she pulled away and looked at me.

“Let’s get you cleaned up and sexy and show Niall what he is missing.” She told me the rest of the plan and I agreed.

This was going to be fun…

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