"Pudgy?". I gasped and looked down at my stomach, I looked up and glowered at him. "What do you call that big bump on your belly then?". I gave him a scary death glare that can penetrate a whole planet. If looks can kill, he'll be dead six feet under the ground.

He glowered at my comment.

"You're so fat you can qualify to be a sumo wrestler". He added spark to the fire.

"And YOU'RE belly is so damn huge you can qualify as a pregnant bear"

"Plus it's not my fault that food is delicious". I added with a shrug and a proud smirk.

"Whatever shortie".

"After saying I'm fat, now you're calling me short?". I faced him and saw the dumbbell he was currently lifting. I made it fly up to the air. He glanced at it worriedly before looking back at me.

"You really are a pregnant bear". I dropped the equipment mere centimeters near his feet.

I stood up from my pushup position and stalked of to Tessa. Having enough of him.

"Hey! Where are you going?". I can hear arrogance from his voice but when I whipped around and glared at him, I saw fear in his eyes.

"I'm gathering troupes to plan your murder". I flashed him the middle finger and continued advancing towards Tes.

"Oh! And if you get hit by a truck, just remember that I will be the one driving it!". I shouted over my shoulder.

And that's why I'm here, sweating like nirvana falls is trying to burst through me.

"Seriously though...Tes! I'm exhausted!". I whined.

"Fine, you can rest, but we have an upcoming war, so you better train your ass up before you get pummeled to the ground". She said, but I was already off towards the girl's locker room to even give a damn wether she said yes or no.

"Hello!". I barged in in Aidan's office with a massive grin. His desk is practically filled with papers, that are either stacked on one another or scattered around the surface of his desk.

He just raised an eyebrow without even looking away from the paper he was holding. "Its surprising to see you here, last time I knew, you hated my mere existent". He said flatly.

"But that was". I furrowed my brows and counted all the hours that have passed since our conversation. "Eight hours ago".

He finally looked up from his work but, to only glanced down again at the paper.

Oh I see, I'm less interesting than a piece of paper.

I sat at one of the chairs by his table and pulled the paper out from his grasps.

"Hey! Give that back". He tried to reach it by leaning forward at the other side of the desk but I'm quick to swat his hands away.

"I just need a favor". I bluntly said, tucking the paper behind my back and standing up 

"What is it?".

"Where can I rent a truck?". I asked giddily, with a pair of mischievous eyes.

"A truck?". I nodded."What's it for?".

"Nothing". He gave me a look that clearly means, he doesn't believe me. "If I tell you, you wouldn't help me".

"Well that means its something bad, what is it?".

"I'm gonna use it to run over your cousin". I conclude simply, as if I didn't just declared to someone that I'm going to murder their cousin.

"No''. He said with a dull expression. But I saw a glint of amusement in his eyes.



"Pretty please?".


"Pretty please with an oreo on top?".


"Ok". I sagged in my seat again.

"Really?". He asked surprised that I let it go.


I nodded, maybe I can come up with a plan B?

"Hey, I forgot to ask, where will I be staying?".

"Tes will show you, now give me that paper, and get out".

Pssh, rude much?

I stood up and flicked the paper his way, sticking my tongue at him.

"You'll get wrinkles when you keep frowning like that". I advice. I put my two index fingers on either side of his cheeks and lifted them up to form a smile. "There!". He just rolled his eyes and pulled my fingers off his face.

"Out". He ordered. I just shrugged and walked off towards the door. Smirking, I made the papers lying on his desk fly off towards the ground. Have fun picking those up!



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