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 A/N: Don't start the song yet, there will be a note in () at where the song starts. Play it to set the mood : ) To play it on mobile, swipe to the video while the gif is not expanded. You can press play and then scroll back to your place.  

'You think you're Shane's first bitch?" Chris said to Danny, earning a chuckle out of me. I was watching Judas Kiss on my laptop, my earbuds nestled in my ear and my feet hanging off the edge of my bed. I heard the front door open and shut, meaning Bob was back with dinner and Christopher. I glanced up, hoping to catch a peek of what they bought but something in the movie caught my attention before I could see them. I saw a figure enter my room from the corner of my eye but was surprised when my earbuds were yanked from my ear.

"Bobby, what the he- "I began but was cut off by the sight of Richard instead of Bob.

"Where the hell have you been?" He yelled. I felt my blood begin to boil.

"Why is everyone giving me the third degree lately? I left town to visit friends for a little, not that it's any of your business!" I huffed, pulling my earbuds back from him and putting them back in my ears before pressing play. This time he pulled them out of the jack, causing his voice to ring out in my room. He opened his mouth to yell before cringing slightly.

"I'm gonna have them remove that stupid movie from Netflix..." he muttered before turning back to me. "That's not good enough El, you can't just disappear and leave your house an alarming mess and your phone," He points to my phone on its charger. "in the snow under the freaking fire escape! I was worried sick, I had no idea where you were. And then I hear that you were being threatened by Sierra and you kept it a secret from me? Is your career more important than our friendship?" He continued yelling, causing my temper to grow close to its breaking point. I scowled, closing my laptop before standing up from my bed and stormed into the kitchen. I had thought I heard the door open and close again but no one was there. I let out a frustrated sigh before opening the freezer and grabbing a fudge pop.

"Are you going to answer me El, or do I have to ask around to find out?" Richard demanded. I couldn't take it anymore, and flung my fudge pop at him. The second it smashed into his cheek, the door opened to reveal Bob with his arms full of grocery bags.

"Richard?" Bob asked, confusion evident on his face. Richard's glare narrowed more if possible upon seeing Bob, but my attention was stolen by Christopher speaking up behind him.

"Ashlie?" He asked, his gaze pointed at one of my larger houseplants. While Richard and Bob had their glaring match, I squeezed between the two men and walked over to Christopher. I spot Ashlie crouching behind a plant.

"Why are you hiding behind Fern?" I asked curiously, to which she pointed at the plant.

"This is a Ficus..." She muttered, avoiding the question. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Named Fern!" I corrected her. "What are you doing in my house?"

"I...I have wine?" She replied shyly, holding up two bottles of wine. I looked at the bottles before glancing back at Bob.

"Bobby, grab the wine opener. Ash, would you like you stay for dinner?" I asked, although I found myself distracted by watching Bobs muscles as he reaches up for the wine glasses that he had moved to the top shelf.

"Would you like to stay forever?" He asked jokingly and I felt a smile grow on my face. Over the last few weeks Bob has been pretty much living here, and I've started to feel our old bond shift, and a new bond form between us.

"Eh, why not?" Ashlie asked from behind me before walking past me into the kitchen. I looked at Richard before pointing at the door. The room fell quiet, anxious to see what I had to say.

*DISCONTINUED* The Makeup Artist ~ (Richard Harmon)Where stories live. Discover now