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I had to use my hands to shade my eyes from the sun even though I was wearing my big sunglasses and squinting. The light was killer when paired with a hangover, which I currently had. I lowered myself onto the brick steps outside of the beach house, dusting my hands off and pulling out my cigarettes. I pulled my legs up and crossed my ankles so that my knees pointed outwards and wrapped my arms around them. Opening the package, I pulled out a cigarette with my teeth while pulling out my baby blue bic with right hand from my pocket.

"Those things will kill you, you know?" My friend Meredith grumbled, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and sitting next to me. She snatched the stick from my mouth and popped it between her teeth instead. She lit it, inhaling the smoke straight into her lungs. I always got a little freaked out when she did that, she may look sweet and kind but she's a hardcore badass through and through. I groaned, pulling out another one and lighting it for myself, sucking it into my cheeks first before inhaling.

"Then why'd you take mine?" I retorted sarcastically, instantly regretting speaking so loud when my head throbbed. She continued to smoke for a few seconds after giving me the finger with her free hand. When we were almost done, she gestured to me with the hand holding her cigarette stub in it before reaching down to put it out.

"What are you doing here, kid? Don't you have work?" I remained silent, flicking my cigarette butt away from me and clasping my hands together around my knees again. I looked at Meredith finally, taking in how much she's aged. I used to live next door to here when we were younger, I moved in when I was 8 and she was 13. She's always seemed many more years older than me, not just five. And it seems the older we got the age difference became less and less physically obvious. I sighed, leaning my head onto her shoulder.

"I needed to take a bit of a break..." I finally answered her, and she looked down at me the best she could.

"Isa you've been here for 3 and a half weeks. Your friend Ashlie called to tell me that some guy named Richard is going-"

"I don't care what Richard is doing." I cut her off, earning a smack on the back of my head. She rolled her eyes at me as I rubbed the tender spot. I had to interrupt her, if I heard anything about Richard I'd probably end up putting my career in jeopardy.

"Well would you at least call your friend back to make her stop ringing the house?" She nagged, "First I'd like you to sit your ass down on the couch and tell me what's going on with you though." I gave in, nodding and following her into the house. She inherited the place from her aunt when she passed away, giving me a place to stay whenever I skipped town. When you walk in theres a rug with palm trees on it and a place to put your shoes. I walked past it, not having any shoes to remove and walked down the partial hallway to get to the big green couch. Meredith kept walking past the couch, the chair, the dining room and into the kitchen to grab the aspirin from the pull out cupboard that always squeaked like a dying animal. It's nice to see some things never change.

She handed me two of the tablets and a bottle of water, taking her own while watching me. Once I took my aspirin she sat down, pulling her feet under her and resting her chin on her folded up arms on top of her knees. I sighed, taking a moment to ground myself before launching into the story. When I was done Meredith almost had steam coming out of her ears.

"Who the hell does she think she it to run my precious little gem out of work???? It's like she thinks she owns everyone. Want me to come back with you? I'd love to give her a swift kick in the ass...and then some!" When she actually stopped to breath I wrapped my arms around her and laughed.

"I can fight my own battles, but I would love to have you visit me some time, I miss you." I paused, releasing her. "And you could meet Ashlie! I think you two would get along great." I suggested and her eyes lit up.

*DISCONTINUED* The Makeup Artist ~ (Richard Harmon)Where stories live. Discover now