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The sun filtered through the window, slipping between my eyelids. A soft voice with an Australian accent was frantically asking questions, but I couldn't make out the words yet. I tried to open my eyes, but it felt like my eyelids were superglued shut. There was a low guttural sound which I soon realized was me. There was a dull ache all throughout my bones but also a hand on my forehead.

"Ella?" My eyes were finally able to open, and they met a pair of warm brown ones. I was Bob. I tried to speak to ask him why he was there, but Bob cut me off before I could get a word in. "Doc said it would be difficult to speak for a bit, you've been out for a couple days." His phone chirped, cutting him off. He glanced at it before turning it off and looking back at me. "What the hell were you thinking El? If I wasn't your emergency contact no one would have come to get you! You could've died!" He scolded, using his older brother tone. I felt the urge to roll my eyes, but they still felt quite heavy. Bob sighed, running his hand over his face and taking a deep breath before looking at me. "Do you want me to call anyone?"

I shook my head, looking away from his stare. After swallowing a couple times, I'm able to squeeze some words out. "Have you told anyone?" His hair flopped as he shook his head back and forth.

"No, I left immediately after I got the call." I felt relief rush through me before I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Bob stood up, preventing me from moving. "No way pipsqueak, you were just in a car crash. Doc said you need at least a week to heal up." I rolled my eyes, pushing his hands away as I pulled the IV carefully out of my arm. I felt my strength begin to return at the loss of the morphine.

"I'll be fine Bobby; I've been through worse." I retorted, wating for him to move out of my way. He sighed, reluctantly letting me get up to retrieve my clothes. He turned his back so I could change, but when I lifted up my arms there was a sharp pain in my ribs, making me cry out. He spun around at the sound, rushing over to help me lower the shirt down over my bruised ribs. Once we were done, I walked out of the room with Bob trailing behind me.

Christina was sitting at the desk, and she didn't even look at me before handing me some release papers. "You have got to stop landing yourself in the hospital El." She muttered, finally looking up from her screen to give me a look over. "I know we can't keep you here but at least promise you'll follow your discharge instructions." I nodded, smiling at her and signing the papers before handing them to Bob. Christina and I became fast friends from the many times I was her patient in the Emergency Room. She quickly realized that unless she wrote my discharge papers before I woke up, she'd have to deal with the legal issues of me leaving before she could give them to me. Bob finished signing the papers to say that he would take on the legal responsibility of getting me home safely before handing the papers back to Christina.

"You know El," he stated. "She never follows directions." Christina rolled her eyes, giving him a look that said she was well aware of the fact. She printed off my copy of my discharge instructions and handed them to me. I read over them while Bob fished his credit card out of his pocket, sighing heavily before swiping it. "Jeez El, I'm still recovering from last year's visit." He scolded playfully, signing the pad before gently slinging his arm around my shoulders and guiding me out of the lobby. I waved over my shoulder at Christina and she nodded in recognition.

"I keep telling you I'd pay for my own bills Bob" I muttered hoarsely, but he just shrugged.

"If you did that you wouldn't be able to afford a place to live. We both know I've got more than enough money to help you out." He defended himself while he hailed a cab.




I sighed as I unlocked my front door, holding it open for Bob as he carries my suitcase in behind me. The light flipped on and I was greeted by a pissed off Ashlie sitting of my breakfast bar.

"And what sort of time do you call this?" She demanded, crossing her arms and glaring at me. Bob set my bags down in my room before coming back over. Ashlie's eyes began to inspect me, and I watched her expression soften as she took in my battered appearance. She hopped down from the counter and approached me cautiously. "You look like hell, what happened?!" she demanded, her tone causing Bob to stiffen and move a bit closer to me. Bob has always been like a protective older brother to me ever since I met him while I was in Australia. I ended up putting him down as my emergency contact a few years back because I trusted him and I knew he'd help me without judging me whenever I needed it. I placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him, silently telling him that I was ok.

"Bob, I think I'll be ok. Why don't you head into the kitchen and find something to eat?" I muttered, my eyes never leaving Ashlie. He looked back and forth between us before slowly making his way to the kitchen. Ashlie crossed her arms again while taking a seat on the new coffee table.

"Well?" She demanded, tapping her foot on the floor impatiently. I rolled my eyes, starting towards my room.

"It's none of your business, Ash. I'm fine, don't mother hen me." I said tiredly, flinching when I heard her stand up and let out a frustrated shriek.

"It is my business when you leave me worried for weeks on end and then you don't even come home for your own birthday! And when you do finally come home you look like you crawled here from the pits of hell? You can't worry me like that!" She ranted, smacking my shoulder on her last word. I winced and let out an involuntary shout upon the impact as pain shot down my arm. She gasped, bringing her hands to her mouth. "Ohmygosh Ella, I'm so sorry I didn't...I didn't mean to- "Bob rushed in, effectively cutting her off.

"I think you need to leave Ashlie." He said sternly, gesturing to the door before turning to inspect my shoulder. Ashlie opened and closed her mouth, the shock evident in her eyes before turning to me.

"You're going to let him kick me out?" She demanded, her rage obviously growing me when I refused to meet her eyes while nodding slowly.

"He's right, I think you do need to leave..." I muttered softly, still not looking at her. When I did look up, I instantly wished I hadn't. Her eyes were now filled with sadness that was quickly buried with pure rage. I looked away and heard her huff before turning on her heel and marching out. She paused briefly, probably to test me before she stormed out completely and slammed the door behind her.

A/N: Ok I know I've been so terrible at updating but I should be posting a bit more frequently now!!! I love you guys so much, let me know what you think! – Isabella

*DISCONTINUED* The Makeup Artist ~ (Richard Harmon)Where stories live. Discover now