The whole class groaned and complained as Iruka released the ropes on Naruto, and all the students formed a line. One by one they stepped forward, having to make an image of Iruka. Naruto watched in a bored mood as they proceeded.

'I think Iruka-sensei just gets a kick out of ruining peoples' day.' He grumphed as Sakura stepped up and did her transformation. 'And he's taken to punishing everyone else whenever he's angry with me! That's not how a sensei is supposed to act!'

"He's certainly become more unfair to the others, that's true. Maybe he needs a little humility lesson. After all, it's been awhile since you pranked him." Kyaena snickered as Sasuke stepped up and did his transformation, then moved to the side with the rest that had finished.

"Next, Naruto Uzumaki!" Iruka called.

"Jeez, what a drag. Iruka-sensei's temper has been getting worse lately, picking on us like this." Shikamaru droned to Naruto's left.

"Don't blame Iruka-sensei, blame Naruto! It's his constant goofing off that gets us in trouble!" Ino snapped to Naruto's right.

"Like it makes any difference to me." Naruto mumbled as he stepped forward. He didn't notice a pair of pale lavender eyes several positions down the line, silently gazing at him.

"Alright Naruto, get on with it." Iruka stated, holding his note clipboard. Naruto just smirked.

"Transform!" He called as a puff of smoke enveloped him. Barely a second later, most of the smoke dispersed, leaving only a few wisps that covered the intimate parts of a now pig-tailed, female, and naked, Naruto.

There were a chorus of gasps from all the other students, with most of the boys trying to keep their eyes in their sockets, while the girls looked on with anger, and perhaps a little envy at the incredibly fit and unbelievably curvy blonde. Iruka gave a shriek as he was propelled backwards from the jets of blood from his nose, an action that distracted most of the class, so no one saw Sasuke turn away slightly, holding his own nose. Naruto poofed back to his own form as he looked on with gratification.

"Hahaha! Gotcha! That'll teach you to try to teach me about inappropriate behavior, you pervert!" Naruto laughed.

"NARUTO! HOW BIG A FOOL ARE YOU!? WASTING ALL YOUR TIME AND TALENT INVENTING THESE STUPID TRICKS!?" Iruka had jumped back up to scream in a overwhelmingly threatening manner, but the effect was ruined by the little twists of tissue that were stuck up his nose.

"TALENT!? When the hell have you ever thought that I had talent!?" Naruto shouted back, more than ready to knock his block off. The rest of the class could only gape, none of them having anywhere near the nerve necessary to get involved when these two were going at it.


"Remember, the opportunities for training come in many forms." Kyaena instructed seriously.

'Oh yeah, sure, standing on a mountainside with a mop and bucket is GREAT training.' Naruto grumbled.

He had been dragged up to the mountain after class by Iruka. Although Naruto was standing at a ninety degree angle from the rock face on his own, a scaffold rig platform had been lowered down, and held a number of buckets of water. Naruto was rapidly mopping away at the paint on the stone beneath his feet as Iruka sat on a ledge a number of feet above him.

"You're not leaving here until you've cleaned off every last drop of paint!" Iruka called down. Naruto glared back up at him.

"Well that'll take forever just using a mop! There's a reason I used chalk-based stage paint! One good rain, or a couple of water jutsu, and the whole mountain will be right back to it's old, boring self!" Naruto snapped. "And as far as threatening me with not being able to leave, you've seem to have forgotten that I've got nowhere to go! After all, is not like there's anyone waiting for me back in that empty apartment!" Naruto turned his back towards Iruka as he continued his mopping.

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