『Chapter Four || Attack of the Lady Manager!』

Start from the beginning

All the girls stared at Haruhi, blushing, touched at what she said.

"How admirable of you!" Tamaki shouted dramatically, "Such devotion to your parents! Here, Haruhi, take as many as you like!" Tamaki started placing more confections in Haruhi's hands.

"Are those fake tears, too?" Haruhi asked.

"How can you say that!" Tamaki shouted, "My tears are always genuine. Being able to cry without using eye drops is the mark of a true host." Tamaki blinked his 'tears' away, "Well? Are you impressed? Have you fallen for me anew?"

"Not really," Haruhi answered truthfully.

"My overtures just don't seem to reach you, huh, Haruhi?" Tamaki asked, "Perhaps I should alter my character somewhat."

However, Haruhi wasn't paying attention. She was looking at the girl who was hiding behind a pillar.

"Huh? We have a brand-new guest!" the twins exclaim, walking over to the girl.

"What are you waiting for?" Hikaru asked, leaning against the pillar, "Come on in."

"It isn't any fun just to watch," Kaoru said, leaning against his brother.

"Come on," they said together.

"U-um..." the girl stuttered.

"Hey, I'm always telling to be more courteous to our first-time guests, aren't I?" Tamaki scolded them, scaring the girl, "Here, don't be afraid, princess. Welcome to the Ouran Host Club."

"N-" the girl started

"N-?" Tamaki urged.

"No! Don't touch me, you phony!" the girl shrieked, pushing Tamaki away.

Tamaki stepped back in shock, "I-I'm a phony?!"

"Yes! You're a phony! I can't believe that you are the prince figure in this club!" the girl shouted, "The prince character doesn't go spreading his love around so easily! How can you be so stupid?! It's almost like you're a dim-witted narcissist! Imcompetent!Mediocre! The pits!"

At those last words, Tamaki started falling down in slow-motion.

"Oh! It's a new technique!" Hikaru shouted.

"One-man-slow-motion!" Kaoru exclaimed.

Kyoya looked at the girl in surprise, "By any chance, are you-"

The girl turned to look at Kyoya and gasped, "Kyoya-sama!" The girl ran over Tamaki and hugged Kyoya, "I've wanted to meet you. My own prince."

Fumika's eyed widened, 'EH?!'

|| Time Skip ||



"Yes. My name is Hoshakuji Renge," the girl introduced herself, "I will be transferring into 1st-Year, Class A tomorrow."

Fumika felt like her heart was torn straight from her body, 'Why do I feel this way? I mean, it's not like Kyoya likes me anyway.'

"Look, he looks mad," Hikaru commented, looking at Tamaki, who was sulking in his-more like a wall- emo corner.

"Why is he mad?" Haruhi asked, confused at what's going on.

"That's because Mommy was hiding something from Daddy," Kaoru explained.

"Whatever," Kyoya said, "Are you trying to make this married couple thing stick?"

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