I couldn't help wondering if she would still think that optimistically about family if her dad was...like mine.

There was a knock on the door before it opened. Will walked in. He frowned for a moment then went pale, next he turned pink, and finally the shade of pink turned to a shade of red. Calvin's face had drained of color and feelings. Jesse looked nervous. My jaw had dropped.

Hadn't Willow just said they weren't close? I thought.

"Will!" Willow exclaimed cheerfully.

"Why are they here?" Will asked gravely.

"They're friends. They go to your school. Do you know them? This is Calvin, R-"

"I know!" snapped Will. "Get them out!"

"No, Will-" Willow began, but Will marched over to her and grabbed her arm.

Calvin leaped to his feet. "Let her go."

"Leave now, emo-boy," snarled Will. He shoved Calvin.

Calvin punched Will before Will could do anymore.

"Uh..." grunted Jesse as a fight broke out and Willow began screaming.

"Don't just stand there, you moron!" I shouted at Jesse.

I grabbed Calvin's arms and Jesse pulled Will away as three nurses came running in followed by two more. Calvin's lip and cheek were cut. I was sure Will was going to have a black-eye. He had a bloody nose and lip as well.

"You four have to leave now," demanded one of the nurses, "or we'll call security."

Calvin pushed me as Will shoved Jesse. We walked towards the door. I heard Willow jump off her bed.

"Wait, just stand outside the door," said Willow.

"No, but-" began the same nurse that had threaten to call security.

"It's still visiting hours," said Willow firmly. She was determined and I was curious as to why. "If you want, you can stand just outside the door too in case there's another fight. Calvin, can you stay here for a sec?"

Calvin stopped, but didn't turn to face Willow.

"They should-" began another nurse who had reached out to examine Calvin's cheek wound, but Calvin slapped her hand away. We all walked out silently.


Calvin came out calm. He looked a little peeved, but said nothing until he walked over to where Jesse and I stood, which was a little ways from Will.

"She's want you," Calvin muttered.

"Me?" asked Jesse.

Calvin looked like he wanted to slap Jesse for his stupidity, and I didn't blame him. "Yes, you."

Jesse went into the hospital room.


When Jesse came out, it was a whole different story. He was crying. I facepalmed. I didn't know what else to do. Calvin rolled his eyes, and Will stared with repulsion.

Jesse sniffled. "Rach, she want you in now."

"Told you not to leave either?" Calvin murmured as I walked away.

"Mm-hm," grunted Jesse, meaning 'yes'.

I walked in, and somehow it felt like I was awaiting my death sentence. And yet Willow was the one who already received hers. She was happy, and I was scared.

When I walked in, Willow was on her hospital bed smiling. "Hi!"

Great, this is going to be a heart-to-heart, isn't it? I thought.

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