Chapter One: Hunted

Start from the beginning

“Hold your horses, Curt.” Lieutenant’s voice echoed through the walls, “we’re just looking for someone, she’s the girl everyone’s talking about, did she come here?”

The girl felt her throat clog up. She clung onto the last bit of hope that they won’t find her.

“There’s no one here besides you, your men and me” the old librarian replied, a slight irritation was present in his voice.

“I see.” She heard Lieutenant’s sleazy voice. 

He’s suspecting something… the girl noted, her heart still beating fast.

“Well, then, if you see her let us know” with that she heard his loud echoing footsteps slowly disappearing.

“You can come out now, child” she heard the librarian say in a much softer and kinder voice.

She gulped silently and stood from her hiding place. “How did you know I was here?” the girl asked curiously, almost in disbelief.

He gave her a whole-hearted laugh and said, “I know about everything that happens in this library. Do not underestimate me, child” he smiled warmly at her.

“Then why didn’t you hand me over to them?” to that question his smile faded and he studied her for a moment.

“Follow me, child” he said and he turned around.

She did so, still puzzled by his way to avoid answering her question. Curtis opened the door with the “Do not enter” sign and walked in. Inside, there were books stacked in tall columns, some potion looking glass tubes and a bunch of paper scattered all around the tables and the floor. It looked more like a research lab, then a librarian’s room.

“Now, child” the man said stopping in the middle of the room and turning to face her, his hands were behind his back, “do you know why you’re being… hunted?” his word choice somewhat startled her, but not knowing the answer made her shake her head.

“Hmm… I wonder…” he looked in deep thought, with his hand on his chin.

“What is it?” she asked, not really sure if she wanted to hear the answer.

The librarian sat down on his knees and pushed away some of the dusty papers on the ground to reveal a small wooden door.

“Ah, here it is” he said delightfully, took out a silver key he had around his neck and unlocked it.

“What’s in there?” the girl asked, feeling a little bit stupid after doing so. She was going to see what’s inside any minute now, why ask when you’ll see for yourself anyway.

“Something to prove why you’re being chased” Curtis answered simply. To that answer she felt her heart jump in excitement and anticipation.

He pulled out a purple glass ball. Err... She thought, out of words. Even confusion was a huge understatement to the feeling she felt running through her.

Unexpectedly and completely without any trace of hesitation, Curtis threw the ball across the room. It smashed against the wall with its glass flying in different directions. Slowly its contents slid down onto the floor.

“What the-?! What are you doing?!” the girl exclaimed, completely outraged.

In just a few moments, she saw it. The dark liquid of the ball had slowly formed into a door before her very eyes and began glowing with an unusual purplish hue.

“Do you see it?”


“Do you see it?!”

“Yes! I see it!”

“Fascinating” he uttered, his eyes widening and smile deepening.

“What is it?!” she was desperate to know the answer now.

“Your answer” he answered simply.

“What answer?!”

“Too much to explain, you must go through to find out why” he said gesturing toward the brightly shining portal.

“Go through it?” 

Like to another world? That’s all just fairytales.

“Tsk, tsk, you ask too much questions” said the librarian, growing a little impatient and pushed her towards the glowing door-shaped thing on the wall.

“What are you-” she didn’t get to finish because she suddenly felt the bright liquid wrap around her body, pulling her in.

“Find your answer!” she heard him yell before darkness consumed her.

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