Chapter 7

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Lexi stood in her guest chambers, while Cullen sat in the lone chair.

"Are we absolutely sure my mother will be arriving here?"

Cullen nodded, "that's what Leliana's people reported."

Sighing, Lexi began to pace back and forth, "so Leliana suspects she may be in danger than?"

"Or at least followed. Once she arrives, we'll meet up with a small patrol and return to Skyhold."

Lexi nodded, "so King Alistair doesn't mind the patrols in his kingdom?"

"Leliana apparently talked with him. Ferelden is still recovering from the Fifth Blight, but we have an agreement with him, but it is not an alliance."

"Because of our alliance with Orlais?"

Cullen nodded.

Lexi groaned as she stopped pacing. The truth was she would rather have an alliance with Ferelden but Orlais had the better army.

"I would prefer to deal with King Alistair over Empress Celene, too."

Lexi sighed as she turned to face him, "when will her ship arrive?"

"Tomorrow. Leliana has two people following her. She's protected."

"Of course, she could also be used as a way to get to me."

"Lexi, you know we will do everything to protect your family."

Lexi smiled at him, "I know."

Cullen nodded as he stood up, "I better go talk with Teyrn Cousland men to prepared for the worst.". He took a deep breath, "I suggest while we're here we stay in separate rooms."

Lexi nodded, "I hate to agree, but I do."

Cullen gave her a half smile before walking over and kissing her cheek "I'll speak to later."

Lexi nodded as he opened the door and walked out the room.

Sighing, Lexi sat down in the chair he had vacated. She had so much on her shoulders. Could she live with herself if something happened to her family because of her? She already knew the answer. Something would happen if they didn't close the Breach. She had seen what would happen if she failed. Corypheus needed to be dealt with soon.

Closing her eyes, Lexi leaned her head back against the chair's back. The Maker would protect them. He had to or all would be lost.

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