Chapter 6

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Lexi had no idea how busy a castle truly was. Almost everyone around her was rushing to do their chores. Maker, was it like this back at Skyhold? Why hadn't she noticed? She was sure it hadn't been this busy at her family's estate in Ostwick.

She needed to find Dorian. Leliana's letter had her a bit worried. Cullen was tracking, with her brother, to Highever because one of her agents had sent word her mother was crossing the Waking Sea and planning to land at Highever. She wanted to ask Dorian his opinion about how to tell her mother about Cullen.

She was fairly sure her mother was not going to take the news her daughter was in a relationship with a relative unknown Ferelden, even if he was the Commander of the Inquistion's forces. Of course, she wasn't completely sure, but with how Felix had acted to Cullen, she could only assume.

She looked around the Great Hall and didn't see a sign of the Tevinter mage. Sighing, she walked out the side door and out into the side courtyard. Maker, where was he? Suddenly, a trumpet went off and she caught sight of Varric running towards the front gate.

"Varric, what's going on?"

Varric stopped and turned to face her, "Curly's arrived with King Alistair. We're all going to meet them, you better hurry up." He then turned back and continued on his way.

King Alistair? Well, of course, Teyrn Cousland was his brother in law. Why wouldn't he come for a visit? Lexi followed at a much slower pace compared to Varric. More than likely Dorian was waiting near the front gate as well.

As she got closer to the gates, the crowd got thicker, but once they noticed her, the crowd parted to let her get closer. The gates stood open with soldiers all around.

Here was laughing. She knew a few of those laughs. One sounded vaguely familiar, but she had only heard it in short burst.

Lexi walked up to the gate to find Varric, Dorian, Teyrn Cousland, Cullen, and King Alistair standing, while Felix sat in the mud and muck., looking none to happy.


Cullen couldn't help but laugh at what King Alistair had said. He had long ago become deaf to Felix's complaining. How could he and Lexi be related at all? He could forgive the horse. After all he himself was still learning, but all Felix had done on their journey was complain. Maker, he hoped Lady Trevelyan wouldn't he like her son on the return to Skyhold. He looked past Teyrn Cousland to see Lexi standing among the crowd at the gate. She didn't look too pleased.

Giving Teyrn Cousland and King Alistair a nod, "forgive me, but I must go talk with the Inquisitor."

King Alistair nodded in return, "go on ahead, Cullen. It was a pleasure to have had traveled with you."

Cullen gave a final nod before leaving the two related men to talk and walked over to where Lexi stood.

He gave her a slight nod before moving to stand beside her, "Inquisitor."

Lexi glanced at him, "your journey go well?" She quickly glanced around and moved to walk away from the crowd. Cullen followed beside her. The pair walked side by side away from the Gates and back towards the back of the Castle.

"For the most part, yes. Your brother made his thoughts known regularly."

Lexi nodded, "at least, you arrived safely."

"We ran into King Alistair as we neared Highever. I saw no reason not to travel with him."

"And how did my brother react when he learned that he traveled with the King of Ferelden?"

Cullen smiled slightly, "he didn't know until we arrived at the Gates. I didn't feel like explaining anything."

Lexi returned the sly smile, "why, Commander, how cruel?"

Lexi stopped beside a door, causing Cullen to stop as well, "we need to go somewhere where I can be sure we won't be over heard."

Cullen nodded, "after you, Inquisitor. I'm sure since he seems to like Dorian, he will stay out off too much trouble."

"I'm also sure that King Alistair will have some fun with him," Lexi opened the door and Cullen followed. They just missed Felix's surprised yelp.

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