Chapter 3

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Lexi stood in front of Josephine desk as the Ambassador read over the letter from Ostwick.

"This doesn't feel right. With what you say your brother told you, this just doesn't add up. I will send word to a contact there to see what's going on."

"I'll send one of my people. It'll be faster, Josie. Lady Trevelyan may be in need of help."

Lexi almost smiled as Liliana walked up to the desk, "do both. It can't hurt to cover both ends. Of course, she might have left and not put it into the letter in fear of someone reading it."

Leliana nodded, "true, but why write your brother is coming, if she wanted secrecy?"

Lexi sighed, "I honestly don't know." She glanced at Josephine, "let's get the word out. We can't have them going after my family."

Josephine nodded, "agreed, Inquisitor. I will send the letter off immediately. I will also be sure your brother has quarters."

"Don't bother with that, Josephine. He will be staying in the barracks. Felix needs to learn some manners, if how he talks to Cullen is any example." She tried not to notice the knowing smiles on the other two women's faces.

"As you wish, Inquisitor."

Lexi gave a nod before walking out the door into the Main Hall. Taking a quick glance around, she headed towards the door that lead to her chambers.

Once she was up in her chambers, Lexi stood leaning against the railing of the balcony facing out into the mountains. Why wasn't she surprised that things were getting mire complicated with each passing hour? She was worried for her mother. There had to be more to it than her mother sending Felix for a visit.

She heard the door at the bottom of the stairs open and close, with the sound of fabric rubbing against metal following not too far behind. Slowly, she turned to face back into her chambers as Cullen walked up the stairs.

"Are you sure you want him to stay in the barracks? Wouldn't it be better for Josephine to have assigned him a better room?"

Lexi shook her head, "I'm sure. You heard how he spoke to you. He needs to learn some manners."

Cullen smiled sightly, "is that the only thing? Or is there more?"

Sighing, Lexi walked over to him, "I don't know why he has this apparent dislike of Fereldens. I'm hoping rooming with some will knock it out of him."

Cullen nodded as she stepped in front of him, "a sound plan, but it could cause problems."

"True, but there really isn't a room that he can have. All the available rooms already have guest in them."

Cullen sighed, "I'll tell them to go easy, but if there is a fight..."

She reached up and placed a hand on the right side of his face, "we'll patch him up. Cullen, I understand your concern, but it will do him some good to understand that not everyone lives in fancy houses. It was one thing I am glad I learned at the Circle."

Cullen chuckled as he placed his hand over hers, "I can agree with that." Sighing, he squeezed her hand, "when are you planning to tell him about us?"

Lexi raised an eyebrow, "Us? Cullen, I don't care what he thinks. Maker, I don't even care if my mother showed up and make a huge scene. Nothing is going to come between." She frowned, "why? Are you worried? If they disapproved would you want..."

"Maker, no." Cullen removed her hand from his face, "with everything going on, it's selfish of me to worry over something so.."

Smiling, Lexi placed her other hand on his chest, " small? It would take something more powerful than my family to get between us."

Cullen pulled her closer, "good to know."

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