Chapter 11

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Phil and Mark were talking so you decided to talk to Dan private. He was in his room so you headed off over there, you opened the door and sat beside him on the bed. "Dan are you alright?" You asked, his face was buried into his knees, and his hair was messy. "Dan please talk to me-" "Do you like him more?" Dan choked out making you tilt your head "What?" "Do you like Jack more?" He asked, "Is it his Irish accent?" He questioned "Do you like Mark more then me?" You put a hand on his arm that was resting on his knee, he looked up at you. Red puffy eyes, bright red tear stained cheeks, dull eyes "Dan what makes you think that? They're just my guy friends, I've known them for a while. I love you more than anything" You said and squeezed his arm lightly, a smile captured his lips replacing the frown, as he wiped his eyes and sighed "Thanks Love" "Can I ask you a question?" You questioned he nodded. "What happened to Jack?" His cheeks flushed red "Nothing he had to do something" Dan said and you sighed. Mark busted through the door "everyone ready for Vid-con today?!" Mark asked as Phil smiled.

You had your hand intertwined with Dan's secretly, hidden behind your dress, you all walked to the place that held Vid-con. Once a group of girls came running towards you and Dan, you released each other's hands "Dan!" One screamed running over to him, clutching The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire. One girl stood out the most, her hair was combed into a fringe, a dark brown color. She looked uneasy, like she didn't want to be here, you looked over at her shirt, it was one of your merch. You walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around and gasped "Hey Love" You greeted with a smile "Oh my gosh- I- Y/n" She said letting words fall out of her mouth, not trying to put the words into a sentence. "So, I've noticed that you looked uncomfortable" She nodded slightly "Yeah, my friend Lil dragged me here and honestly, don't get me wrong Dan is one of my favorite YouTubers, but she dragged me into a group with the populars and I can't, I'd rather meet him alone" She frowned slightly "Well how about this, you want to hang out with me, Dan and our friends?" You offered smiling, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped "Are- Are you serious?" She asked "No I'm just trying to mess with you, of course I'm serious!" She nodded "What's your name?" "Oh yeah! My name is Wendy" She said, you smiled "Well Wendy lets go meet up with our friends. See you later Dan!" You waved as he waved back.

You and Wendy headed into a cafe, and headed to a huge table with, your friends. Wendy gasped "Oh hey Y/n and you lovely young lady" Mark said inviting both of you two to sit down, as you both did Zoe looked at Wendy with a warming smile "Hey I'm Zoe" She smiled as Wendy smiled brightly "I'm Wendy" 

~Dan's P.O.V~ 

After I was done doing autographs, I remember our meet up place was in the cafe. I started heading over there and our group looked like they were playing truth or dare, with some girl with dark brown hair. As I approached them Ian and Anthony were inching closer to each other with closed eyes, everyone had their phone out and Phil was vlogging. Once their lips touched each other, they pulled away quickly, their faced flushed red as Y/n giggled. "Hey guys-" "Dan I need to talk to you!" Y/n piped as she grabbed my hand with the girl following shortly after. "What do you need?" I asked looking down at the girl "My friend here, wanted to meet you personally" She said with her warming smile "Well of course" Wendy was the same height as Y/n "So Wendy would you like a picture?" I asked her as she nodded "W-With both of y-you two if you don't mind" She stuttered I shook my head "I don't mind" I said as she held out her phone and outstretched her arm, as me and Y/n leaned into the frame, she snapped the photo and turned off her phone then looked at my and Y/n "Hey  uh Dan and Y/n.. I wanted to say thanks.. You both helped me out through tough times, and your stories made me feel better about myself and realized that life isn't all that bad" She smiled brightly as me and Y/n hugged her "Well thank you for being so awesome Wendy" I said "Oh that reminds me" Y/n said making me look at her, she pulled out her phone and showed Wendy a picture "Thanks for the amazing picture" Y/n said as Wendy gasped "You got it?" "Yeah and actually" She pulled out a paper from her purse and handed it to Wendy, probably another picture "Here" 

We were all sitting at the table playing truth or dare as Wendy was dared to kiss a player's cheek, she scanned the room and got up and kissed Phil's cheek. After a talk with her we found out she was 28 and was living with her older sister, which we didn't mind at all that she was older then some of us but Phil seemed to take interest to her. Phil had his camera turned as she kissed his cheek, his cheeks instantly turned red. "Mark do you have a crush on someone?" Pewds teased as Mark nodded "Yeah I have a crush but it's just a schoolgirl crush" He replied.

After a long thing of truth or dare, our group had a panel up on stage, we were taking dares and questions. "Phil do you believe in aliens?" A Philoin asked "Don't get him started" Me and Y/n said in sync, "Well as a matter of fact, I do believe in aliens, when I was little my older brother was abducted in his sleep" Phil said as I shook my head. A boy stepped up to the microphone "Hey Pewds, can you do a dance for us?" The boy asked, as Pewds smiled "Well I know one" He said as he stood up and turned around and started twerking. Mark stood up and joined him.

Dreams Are True.. Right? ~*Dan x Reader*~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang