Chapter 6

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"Dan what happened last night?" You asked as Dan's face got red pretty quickly. "Y/n you don't remember?" There was a worried and depressed tone in his voice, "Well not really"

~Dan's P.O.V~

I wanna say it's good she doesn't remember but it's not all that. She said she loved me, then things got a little out of hand. I looked to the side for answers until Y/n put her hand on top of mine, I looked at her as she smiled. "Dan please, talk to me, tell me what happened" She begged, I sighed and told her everything. The kiss, the truth or dare, everything. Her cheeks were a dark red as she looked away. I chuckled a little. She's cute when she blushes I thought. "I swear we didn't go that far" I said trying to make her feel better, she looked at me still blushing. I heard a knock at the door "I got it!" Phil yelled as I chuckled, I heard footsteps approach my door as it flung open. Ian, Anthony, Mark, Jack, Zoe, and Louise stood at my door, "O. T. P!!" Mark squealed as I sighed, but Y/n jumped up and grabbed him in a hug. She was about as tall as Jack and Mark. "Hey Markimoo" She said as Mark puffed out his cheeks "Hey [Nickname]" He said as she hugged Jack next, they whispered thing between each other as Y/n blushed then smirked, then they both turned into fits of giggles "Hey what's up man" Pewdiepie said approaching me, I returned the greet after words Zoe and Lou came over practically squealing "Well Dan?!" Lou squealed as Zoe jumped and clapped her hands "Tell us about you and Y/n!" I smiled "Well, she's amazing, outstanding, she has beautiful e/c eyes" A hand was placed on my shoulder "Dude" Ian started "You're completely in love" Anthony finished, as I felt myself blush "I already know this! It drives me crazy, she drives me crazy with her looks" I said "When are you asking her out?" Felix asked as I sighed "I don't know, I only known her for 2 to 3 days" I said "Well take her out places, do some live shows with her, Q and A's etc! Get to know her more" Ian said. I nodded my head "I'll do that" Suddenly I heard Mark yell "CANNON!!" We all looked at him "Sorry I got excited" He said blushing with embarrassment, we all laughed as Y/n and Jack looked at each other. I could feel myself feel a little jealous. "Anyways what are you guys here for?" I asked as Felix laughed "You're joking right?" He asked I shook my head no as he smiled "Vid-Con is in London" I felt myself mentally face palm. I'm an idiot. We all agreed to go out and do something.

Ian and Anthony got pizza, Jack, Mark and Y/n got Starbucks, me, Phil and the rest choose where we were going to hangout. We choose a ramada at the park, we all sat down and started joking around "So is everyone here going to Vid-Con?" Lou asked "I'm going and I think Ian, Anthony, Mark, Jack and Pewds are going to" Y/n said as who she listed nodded "Me and Phil are going definitely" I remarked "Me and Zoe are going to" Lou said as we all smiled and agreed, then started to eat. I looked at Jack and Mark suspiciously. Those three are up to something I thought and looked at Y/n And she's apart of it

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