Chapter 3

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After breakfast, you three were sprawled out on the couch and floor. "Phiilllyyy" You complained puffing out your cheeks. "Yes?" He responded not looking up from his laptop, you huffed and looked back at your phone "Y/n?" He called looking up, you smirked and then quickly puffed your cheeks back out "Now you look up?" You pouted, as Phil chuckled "Oh my god you're such a puppy" He said and looked back down at his laptop. You looked at Dan as you saw him smile.

"Phil, me and Dan are going to go do a carpool video" You called as he yelled from upstairs "Okay!" And with that you and Dan ran out the flat and raced down the stairs. You hopped into your car and Dan followed. You set up your camera and plugged your phone into the aux cord, and you started the car up and started driving. At a stop light you turned the camera on "Hello World! It's y/yt/n here and I have Mr. Dan Howell" You said and stepped on the gas petal "Well Y/n what are we going to be doing today?" "Singing and questioning" You responded "Which brings us to our first song, Dan press play" You said as he pressed it and Toxic comes on "I love this song!" He yells and you and him start singing. Soonly after the song goes off, you pause it and turn it down "Alright, speaking of toxic I have a would you rather question" You stated and he nods indicating that he's listening "If you had to jump into toxic waste and gain a super power, would you rather gain the ability to fly or the ability to levitate items and people but yourself" You glanced between the road and Dan as he ran his fingers through his hair "Well I would probably be able to fly" He said "And what about you?" "Well I'd choose levitate/fly" He nodded "Nice" 

A long while later, you parked in the lot below, "Well this was nice Dan wouldn't you agree?" You asked as he nodded "We should do this more" You said "Well thank you for having me on your channel, Love" He said with a grin and bright pink cheeks OhmygoshOhmygosh Did Dan Howell just call me Love?! You felt your cheeks be lit on fire "Your welcome" You smiled and kissed your hand after making a heart out of both of your hands and reached towards the camera lens right as Dan leaned near you at the end. Your hand fully covered it and you felt your lips connect with someone else's, someone's soft lips. Your hand fell down and hooked around Dan's neck pulling him closer as you two broke apart. He.. Just.. Fucking.. Kissed... Me!! You mentally screamed as you felt your cheeks burn like lava

~Dan's P.O.V~

I did It I conquered my fear and finally kissed her. I could feel my breath be taken away at the sight of her. Her eyes are twinkling so brightly, and the light shines on her hair and skin perfectly like and angel. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Phil "Hey look here's Phil" I said as she jumped and shook her head and turned the camera off and stopped recording. We both got out of the car as Phil had a bright smile upon his face. As usual. "Hey lovey doveys!" He says as I sigh, and Y/n rolls her eyes

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