Chapter 16-Un Wanted Meetings and interruptions.

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Skipping to September because I can btw I have missed you there will be an explanation of my absence at the end this probably won't be very long but I hope it is good?! : / xxxxxx

It's now September. Leaves are falling and it's getting colder aka autumn is coming. Autumn/winter are my favourite seasons because it's just such a nice feeling when your inside all warm snuggled in blankets while leaves - or if its winter, snow - falls and covers the ground.

It is 12th today and I'm out shopping for Niall's birthday. I'm by myself looking like a loner but oh well I don't need people telling what to and what not to buy him as I have the perfect present in mind.

I remembered how upset he was when Harry and Louis had a race INDOORS and stood on Niall's guitar. He has been moping about missing it for about two months now, so I thought why not get him a new one. I have another surprise for him but I need to get it online.

I walked in to the music shop on the top floor of the oracle (A/N it's the shopping centre or mall if you're American that I go to) and went straight to guitars. "Excuse me but can I help you miss?" a guy that worked here asked. By the sounds of things he was from Australia. Without turning round I replied with "yes actually I want to get a guitar for my boyfriend, are there any you recommend?"

I turned around after looking at the different varieties of picks and when I saw who it was I visibly gasped and I swear my mouth dropped low enough you could see down my through.

"L-Luke?" I stuttered out which was more like a squeak. When he finally got a good look at me he practically mirrored my reaction. "MELODY!" Luke screamed and wrapped me in a huge hug. I began to return the hug but then I remembered how long it had been since he left and how he told me he would only be 2 years not a minute late but he is now 6 months late. BLOODY HALF A YEAR!? "God you don't understand how much I have missed you!" he told me with a missive smile on his face. "You missed me?! You fucking missed me! If you missed me so bloody much you would of text me 6 months ago not making me have to bump into you at a bloody music shop!" Its lucky there's no one else here otherwise we could be getting quite a lot of attention. "Babe! Calm down you're going to attract attention"

"Don't you 'babe' me you skank you said you would ring 6 FUCKING MONTHS AGO! It's now flipping September and I'm shopping for my new boyfriend that doesn't lie to me" I know I'm raging in a music shop with the guy I used to call the love of my life over not receiving a phone call but I'm very annoyed right now and could possibly be on my period but no one needs to know that. "CALM DOWN PLEASE AND LET ME EXPLAIN!" he yelled at me."Sure go ahead I can't wait for your brilliant explanation" I replied sarcastically. "Well thanks. Anyway so when I was in Australia about 2 weeks before I left to come home I lost my phone down the toilet and .lost your phone number along with loads of others I was devastated. When I got home and had recovered from jet lag I went straight to your house but no one was in. I called the house number as well as my mum has it but again we got no answer. So I went to your house again the next day but you still weren't in so I guessed your parents where doing one of those work things again. I knew you went to your uncles when your parents where gone but his address was saved in my phone so I couldn't go there, but I tried so hard to find you. I really did!"

I didn't believe a word he was saying but I did as well. Does that make sense to you? "I don't know whether to believe you are not. I will give you my number again but don't use it as an excuse to text me. Only text me if it's an emergency" I told him sternly while holding out a scrap piece of paper with my number on it. "Thanks babe! Any way it's my break now so do you want to go out to Starbucks with me? I'll pay" he asked with a wink. "Meh why reject free coffee, BUT stop calling me babe or I'm leaving and this is most defiantly not a date ok! Let me buy this guitar for Nialler and we can go" I picked up the six stringed instruments and took it to the till. I paid for it and they put it in a box for me. I left it in the store as it's a big and heavy box to carry and I will be going back to the shop anyway.

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