Chapter 24

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Essence in his arms, refusing to comply with his wishes. "Stop! Roman, I'm not playin'!"

He had already managed to get her shirt and bra off. His hands were trailing down her skin, making her shiver as he went. She tried to wiggle away but he wrapped an arm around her waist, his free hand holding onto her chin and angling her head so that he could whisper in her ear, "I'm not playin' either. Aren't you tired of fighting? Essence, haven't you realized that there's nothing I wouldn't do for you? Trust me, ai'ight? I'm not who I was two years ago..."

She swallowed the lump in her throat, too distracted to notice that he had begun to pull her pants and panties down. She gasped when she felt his fingertips graze her bare skin. She moved away from him, standing before him completely naked.

He watched her as he began to strip, his fingers undoing the buttons on his shirt. Once it was open he pulled it off, letting it flutter to ground before his hands went to his pants. He unbuttoned and unzipped them, stripping out of them and his boxers. He stood before her naked, chiseled. His body was hard, solid and his dark brown skin gleamed in the bathrooms light. He turned the shower on, turning the dial and letting the warm water run through his fingers.

Once the temperature felt right he turned and looked at Essence. He reached out a hand to her, "Come on, Essence. It's just a shower."

"Why can't I shower by myself? Roman...please, I don't need this right now." She mumbled, her heart pounding in her chest. It was so loud, she was sure he could hear it.

"Essence." The way he said her name this time. His voice was breathy, husky...soft. She stared at him and it took everything in her not to melt into a puddle on the bathroom floor. There was so much need in his eyes. She bit her bottom lip, her teeth gnawing against it. When she didn't respond he reached for her, grabbing her hand and yanking her against him. She hit his wide chest and before she could protest walked her into the shower with him, the shower door sliding closed.

The warm water slid over her natural hair and down her back, washing away the dry blood on her skin. She felt Roman's hands caressing her skin and the faint smell of soap...something masculine and earthy. Roman's hand shifted up toward her breast and she jumped back, hitting the shower wall. "I can...wash myself." She nearly stuttered. This was so unlike her. She was always cool and calm and in control but near Roman she was like a little girl with a crush.

Roman grinned at her, reaching for the soap standing on the shelf against the dial. He pour some in the palm of his hand before grabbing her by the arm and pulling her back against him.

"Relax, Essence." He mumbled against her ear as his hand moved down her body, cupping her breast, leaving a trail of soapy bubbles behind. His hand trailed back up, wrapping around the back of her neck and tilting her head back. She took a step back, hitting the shower wall again, trapping herself.

"I'm sorry I don't have anything feminine. I'll take you shopping soon."

"What? Take me shopping...I'm not staying here with you, Roman." She said breathily.

He tilted her head back further, his lips grazing her own. "Yes, you are. It's cute that you think I'm gonna let you go."

"N-," he cut her off, "Where are you going to go, Essence? You could lie to me and tell me you're going to stay with Tonya but we both know that you won't stay with her that long. And there's no way in hell I'm letting you go anywhere near a motel."

She stared up at him, a frown on her face, "So...what? You're gonna let me stay here in exchange for sex? Is that how it is, Roman? Okay, fine." She reached for his penis, grabbing him in her hand. He caught her wrist, a scowl on his face.

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