Lies • Sugawara Koushi

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"Are you sure you're okay with me going to another country for my college?" You asked worriedly towards your gray headed boyfriend.

"Mhhm~ I'll video chat you every day, how's about that?" He nuzzled his face into your hair. "I'd be thrilled." You grinned.

Lies. All of it.

"Hey (first name)-chan! How's (country thats not japan pls lmao)? I miss you!"

"It's fun here, but there is something missing." You placed your palm under your chin and grinned.

"Oh? What's that, (first name)-chan?" Suga asked in a worried tone.

"You, silly!" You laughed.

"Just remember that I love you (first name)-chan!"


Your eyebrows furrowed, it was suppose to be the time that Suga will chat with you. But no messages came.

He's probably busy. Was what you always thought and will let yourself believe in.

But those beliefs shattered once you stepped foot back in Japan.

It was unfair.

Unfair that you have been waiting to be back only to see him with a huge grin. But the grin wasn't the problem. The problem was,

That girl beside him

And the fact that he talks to you like your relationship didn't even happen in the first place broke your heart.

"Hey (First name)-chan! This is (random name)-chan, my girlfriend." He grinned.

You fought back the tears and choked back a sob, giving out a forced smile, "W-Wow, it's nice to meet you."

"Well, I just came to welcome you back, its been five years, huh, (First name)-chan!" Suga hugged you and smiled, tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry about this." He whispered.

"N-No... It's... Okay!"
No it's not.

"Koushi, let's go." The girl smiled and dragged suga out of the airport, and also out of your heart.

It was too much.

Too much.

To think that you've been waiting for five years just to see that?

It was bullshit, and you knew that.

"Lies... Everything was a lie." You smiled and started laughing.

He was so sweet. Too sweet. That he broke your teeth apart.

He was kind. Too kind, that he gave you hope and expectations, only to get shattered.

He was everything, but now he was nothing.

Lies... Everything was a lie.


Haikyuu!! One-shots!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora