Pete sank back into his seat as they came to a stop outside of a massive house. He tightened his jaw, climbing out of the Malibu with hatred for himself.

Libby looked a little lost, her gaze slightly blank as she joined Jake outside of the car. "Little empty for a big party," she remarked quietly.

"Like I said," Winnie told them with a sigh as she locked up her Malibu, "Lydia's been off lately."

"Off as in running naked in the woods for two days?" asked Jake as the four stood in a line together outside of Lydia's. "Can't say that wouldn't freak people out."

Winnie sighed as she ran a hand along her jaw, some of the house lights off. A chill ran along her spine, the home giving off an eerie vibe.

"Woo, party!" The four jumped, the silence broken by a cheering couple passing on the left.

Winnie took in a breath, suddenly able to hear the music turn up from the house. "Okay, let's do this."

"And try not to get killed," added Jake.

Libby rolled her eyes, "That's a given."

Winnie took a last glance up at the moon, its fullness reflecting in her eyes. "More like a prospect." She headed up to the house, her silver heels clicking on the driveway, "Try not to stare," she advised as they went through the front door.

Very few bodies remained in Lydia's house, the music coming from a booming speaker by the pool the only enticing thing about the event.

"Lyds?" Winnie asked as she led her friends into the kitchen.

Carrying a tray of pink filled punch glasses, Lydia smiled as she saw the arrivals. "You made it," she happily said as she walked up to the group.

"Lydia, this is my brother Pete and my friends Jake and Olivia," Winnie explained while motioning to each. "They're visiting for spring break."

"The more the merrier," Lydia replied with an odd look in her eyes. "Nice to meet you guys. Here," she held the tray out to them, "have a drink."

Libby obliged first, thanking Lydia. She was always the life of the party and she knew this one needed it. "Mind if I run a playlist?"

"All yours," replied Lydia as she took a second look at Pete. She winked, stepping around them as the doorbell rang.

Winnie nudged Pete in the ribs as the strawberry blonde headed to the front of the house. "Come on, P."

"What?" mumbled Pete. "She's hot."

"Apologize to Libby, would you?" Winnie quietly snapped at her brother as she moved towards the backyard. She glanced around the pool area, string lights hanging above.

Libby strayed, Jake tailing her to the sound system.

Winnie hesitated before grabbing her brother's arm, "What the hell, Pete? Why would you bring up Jasper?"

Pete opened his mouth only to close it, meeting eyes with a brunette approaching him and his sister. He nodded lightly, "You've got a visitor, Win." He pocketed his hands in his slacks, "I'll stay out of trouble."

Winnie started to stop Pete, giving up as he walked away. She turned to Allison, "Hey."

"Everything okay?" Allison asked as she awkwardly fiddled with her hands.

"Yeah, just some brother drama," Winnie replied. "That was Pete, sorry he didn't say hi."

"Your twin?" Allison looked over Winnie's shoulder towards the boy walking away. "I was right, he is cute."

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