Anime ↣ Dan & Phil

Start from the beginning

"Oh, we know exactly what you meant!" Phil says, running over to the TV and sliding onto his knees, stopping in front of the DVD player. He frantically opens one of the boxes, but clumsily drops all of the discs that were inside.

Meanwhile, Dan runs back to the kitchen to refill the empty popcorn bowl. He doesn't even bother to clean up the mess he made when he spilled the first bowl all over the lounge floor.

Phil hastily shoves a random DVD into the DVD player and presses play.

"Okay," he says breathlessly, flopping down on the couch next to you. He fumbles with the remote control for a while, before pressing a series of buttons. The TV turns on. "First we'll have to start with the mainstream, popular ones-"

"ATTACK ON TITAN!" Dan shouts from the kitchen.

"-And then we'll get into the more obscure ones, the ones I personally like better." Phil wraps his arms around you and pulls you into him. "And you are not leaving until we finish Attack On Titan." He does his cute little "determined" face again, which makes you smile.

"Are you seriously going to hold me this whole time?" You whine, though you secretly don't mind. Your heart beats faster being this close to Phil.

"Yes." Phil presses another button on the remote, and the menu for the anime comes up. "Then we'll see if you still think it's stupid."

You roll your eyes and look at the TV screen, a smile on the corner of your lips.

Some characters you recognize, like the black haired girl and the angry-looking short man.

"Dan!" Phil yells. You wince, since he's right by your ear. "I'm starting it now!"

"Bloody hell-"

You hear Dan mutter from the kitchen.


"Too late!" Phil shares a laugh with you as he presses play.

The episode starts, rather dramatically, with birds and Titans and walls and an angry German boy and chaos and death.

And you absolutely fall in love with it.

The first few minutes of the episode end, and the opening song plays.

"DADA DA DA DA DA DADA DA DA~" Dan sings, even though he doesn't know the words, as he slides into the lounge on his socks, like Phil did earlier. He's carrying another bowl, and he's careful to keep the popcorn actually inside it this time. He runs over and sits down on the other side of you. He hands the bowl to Phil.

You have to admit, the opening song is very catchy. And the plot is awesome, as are the characters.

Maybe this anime stuff isn't bad after all...

The theme song continues, showing fast clips of the show, which looks awesome. Dan and Phil hum along, until it reaches a part where a character kills a Titan.

"JÄGER!" The two boys one either side of you shout enthusiastically at the same time, in time with the song.

You laugh and shake your head as you continue watching the first episode of Attack On Titan.


"Phil, no..." You breathe, your hand going to cover your mouth in shock. "No no no..."

You lean on Phil and bury your face in his shoulder.

"Tell me she's not dead," you whisper. "Please tell me she's not dead..."

Phil winces, and you look up at the TV.

Just in time to see Eren's mom being eaten alive by a Titan.

You hide in Phil's shoulder again, and he gives you a hug.

The whole scene was nothing but blood and gore. Eren's scream as he saw his mother being bitten in half was haunting, as was the creepy, terrifying smile of the Titan that ate her. The entire show so far has been emotional, harrowing, hopeless...

But yet I want to keep watching.

"It's okay, (Y/N)," Phil comforts.

"Yeah, at least they didn't give you any time to get attached to her, right?" Dan adds.

"Do you want to stop watching?" Phil asks.

"Are you kidding?" You reply, sighing a little and turning to the TV again. You still lean on Phil, though. "I love this show. The feels are terrible, but I love it." I smile weakly.

"Same!" Dan laughs.

"You pretty much summed up Attack On Titan right there, (Y/N)," Phil smiles and leans his head on top of yours.

"Now shh, I wanna hear!" You laugh.

"It's just Eren yelling," Dan waves you off and shoves some popcorn in his mouth. "You'll hear plenty more of that."

You smile and shift closer to Phil.


"I take it back," you whisper to Phil once the last bits of credits of the season finale fade off the screen.

"Hm?" Phil asks.

"Anime isn't stupid."

Phil smiles and hugs you, as Dan goes to put in the next anime DVD in: Death Note.


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