Chapter 2

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Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born. -Anais Nin

It's 7:15am Monday morning and it's the first day of junior year. As I get out of bed I quickly brush my teeth, put on mascara and put my hair up in a loose bun. I already picked out my outfit the night before. I picked something safe; jeans, navy blue flats, and a navy tank top under a dark grey cardigan. It's still decent outside for Wisconsin, but I'll be inside all day so it doesn't really matter. I make my way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast before we head out.

My house is normal, like the rest of my neighborhood. Each house is exactly the same except for the color. Each has a screened in porch, stone walkway from the driveway to the porch, and green grass. The interior is the same too. Our living room is to the right when you walk in and there's a log fireplace that's in the center of the far wall. It's the focal point of the room. I guess that's what the architect was going for. We have a mix of our York furniture from our old house; cream colored loveseat with gold details on the feet, gold lamp sitting on our glass table, and our light blue, cream, gold, and purple rug. Our other furniture doesn't match as well, but we needed a couch fast.

    My dad said he'd reupholster it with a matching cream, but so far he hasn't gotten around to it. So for now, we have a chocolate brown couch, which isn't the prettiest color, but it's so comfortable that I'm not going to complain. It's one of my favorite places to curl up with my books.

Our kitchen has a small island in the middle that I tend to eat at, rather than walking all the way to the dining room table. It bothers my mum, but oh well.

My mum starts a pot of coffee and puts some waffles in the toaster. She grabs some orange juice for herself and tries to encourage me before she heads off to work "Katerina I know you don't want to, but maybe this year it'll be different. You have to promise me that you'll join something, anything that you can put on your resume."

         "Yea mum, I will" -sigh "maybe I'll join that vampires are real group they have at school, think I can put that on my resume?"

I knew that'd get a reaction, but I couldn't help it, today was going to suck, pun intended. Instead she just rolled her eyes at me and handed me a cup of coffee, I guess she knew I was kidding too. She kissed my forehead, handed me some lunch money and left for work. This was the typical morning for her, although since it'd been summer, I was sleeping in until noon, so I wouldn't usually see her until after work. It was nice seeing her beforehand.

My dad, unlike me, is excited to get back to work and meet his new students. I'm one of those lucky new students. As we get in the car to head to school he starts blasting his favorite songs, which are, let's just say, not my favorites. We finally get there and I tell him I'll see him in class later. My schedule isn't as bad as I thought it'd be;
    1 Biology Honors with Mr. Smith
    2 Gym with Coach Carter
    3 American History Honors with Ms. Fey
    4 Algebra Honors with Mr. Ayers
    5 English Honors with Mrs. Peters
    6 Chorus with Mr. Stewart

My first three classes go by easily, but now it's time for lunch which means I'll be sitting alone again for my third year in a row. I grab my apple, chicken nuggets, fries and water and head down to my table that is always empty. As I start eating, someone actually comes over and sits across from me. They must be freshman I think, or not know who I am. Surprisingly it's not a freshman, but another junior who I had met in my gym class. I didn't think she'd actually come and sit with me though. "Hi Katerina, I hope it's ok that I sit with you, I just don't have any friends here and it's all pretty intimidating" she searches my eyes, looking for acceptance.

"Sophia, it's totally fine to sit here, I'm glad you did actually, I know what it's like to be the new kid, it's not easy." Sophia had told me in gym class that her family just moved here from Chicago and she didn't know anyone yet. This was great for me; since she didn't anything about my mum or that I was the antisocial person. I got to be the real me without worrying about ulterior motives.

By the end of lunch I had a new friend and felt like this was going to be a great year; man what a difference from this morning. Now, just three more classes and then the activities fair where I'll get to pick some and my parents can no longer call me antisocial.

Class with my dad was, well, awkward. I think it'll always be weird to have a parent as your teacher, you can't get away with anything and if no one raises their hand, they automatically call on you. I can't hide in this class like I do in my others.

Unlike my other honors classes, this one has a mixture of juniors and seniors, so my dad makes us all introduce ourselves and give an interesting fact about ourselves. He decided to do this towards the end of class since he wanted to get through actual work before letting us relax. Although for me, this isn't where I get to relax. This is when everyone finds out that I'm his daughter and "teacher's pet" term becomes my nickname.

As we go around the room, a few names stand out to me and I know they're four of the vampires in the school; Axel and Erik Morozov, Grant and Lucy Vasiliev. I've never actually had a class with any vampire, or spoken to them, but I knew they were here. It's weird, they seem so human, so nice and very attractive. They don't look alike, even the brothers, but they're still good looking. Blah, I can't believe I just said they were attractive! In my head, but still, I've been told many stories about them, not one of those a good story and to stay as far away from them as possible. My mum has told me horror stories from her time working with them, although looking at them now, they don't seem that bad.

Axel and Erik are about six foot and muscular, but not too muscular. They have the same eyes; blue with strong brows that bring out their other features. They have chiseled jaw lines and look like they'd be Abercrombie models. Lucy, is smaller than me, but being a vampire, they can be any size and still do a lot of damage. She's blonde with long waves and green eyes. Grant is also about six foot tall with green eyes that look like they can look into your soul, or at least that's how it felt when all of a sudden he was staring at me.

Oh no! I turn away quickly.Why is he looking at me? In fact why is everyone looking at me?

I look up at my dad and realize he just asked me a question but I wasn't paying attention to because I was doing the one thing my parents don't want me to do, stare at the vampires.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" I ask, hoping he won't be too mad that it's the first day of class and I'm already not paying attention. My dad repeats "can you introduce yourself and give us an interesting fact about yourself?"

"Oh yeah, sorry." I clear my throat loudly and turn towards the class "I'm Katerina Ayers, I'm a junior and something interesting about myself is that I'm from England."

Okay everyone turn back around, please, I'm done being in the spotlight. I hunch over my seat replaying what I just said in my head.I know I have a slight accent, but come on now, I'm not that interesting. I'm waiting for them to move onto the next person but the bell rings.

I grab my bag and books quickly from my desk and rush out of the room, away from the vampires and away from my dad before he yells at me.

My next class goes by painlessly and it's on to chorus class. Choir is something I've never done but I can put it on my resume and I get to learn how to sing, so how bad can it be?

Thanks for reading. Remember to vote, follow and comment, I'll update soon!

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