Chapter 11: Frayed Part 1

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Just a few hours ago, I realised that I have completely mixed up Episode 4 and 5. Apparently Episode 4 is called Unleashed and Episode 5 is called Frayed. Sorry if you got confused or thought that I had skipped one episode. But here it is the new chapter. Hope you like it!

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The Day Before The Trip To The Meeting!

Aiden's POV:

I just came home from the hospital, leaving Dana with Ethan. After what Ennis was going to do I didn't dare to leave her alone. The only person I trust to leave her with, other than myself, is Ethan. Not her brother or friends. Hell, not even her mother.

When I walked through the front door and to the living room, I didn't expect to see Ennis and Kali sitting on the couch. Obviously they were waiting for me. Acting like I didn't see them I continued to make my way to mine and Ethan's room. But apparently luck wasn't on my side.

"Aiden" Ennis said.

"What?" I asked.

"What the heck are you doing?" he growled.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said acting confused.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about"

I sighed. All I wanted to do right now was to change my clothes and get back to Dana as soon as possible. Looks like that's not gonna happen.

"Ok, fine. I do know what you're talking about. And to answer your question, I'm protecting one of the people that's close to me" I simply said.

"What happened, Aiden?" Kali asked.

"All you should know that if it wasn't for her, I would be dead. She saved me. I owe her my life"

"And to go against your own packmate? What the hell, Aiden! We're not here to protect someone, ok? We're here because we got a job to take care of. Just be thankful that you're still alive. Now you're going to listen to me, kid. You're going to go back to her and thank her. Then you're going to leave and not ever see her again. You're not going to even talk to her. I don't care if she dies, but you're not going to see her ever again. Or I'm telling Decualion" Ennis said. I just stood there with wide eyes."I forbid you to see her"

At that I could feel and hear my own heart shatter into a million pieces. It felt like I couldn't breath.

"You...You can't...You can't do that" I choked out.

"I can and I will. I've been an alpha longer than you and I'm also older"

"Ennis, please don't do it. I... I beg you. Please. Don't!" I begged. A tear fell down my cheek.

"Why? Give me one good reason to why I shouldn't" he said. Kali sat there quiet looking from me to Ennis.

"Because..." I started.

"Because what, Aiden?"

'Am I really?' I thought.

"Because what?!" Kali shouted, getting impatient.

"Because I'm fucking in love with her!"

Alexandria's POV:

"So what do you want to do?" Ethan asked.

Aiden left fifteen minutes ago to change clothes. He told Ethan to stay with me in case someone tried to do anything.

"Ethan, I don't know if you haven't noticed, but I'm kind of lying in a hospital bed" I said.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot. Sorry" he said sheepishly. I smiled at him.

"It's ok. I just really want to get out of here" I told him. Just then the doctor came in.

"Hello, Ms. McCall. How are you feeling now?"

"I'm feeling fine. But I do have a question. When can I go home?" I asked.

"Well, I would say that you could leave tonight"


"Yes, really. Rest now and I'm going to tell your mother the good news" the doctor said and left.

"Yes!" Ethan shouted and started to jump up and down. I laughed at him. He's more excited than me.

"I'm going to call Aiden and tell him" he said and kissed my forehead before leaving the room to call his brother.

Now I was alone for the first time since I've been here. Or so I thought. A minute after Ethan left, Scott and the pack returned. Even Isaac. My heart rate started to speed up because of the fear I was feeling. I tried to calm down as much as possible.

"What are you doing back here?" I asked.

"How are you feeling?" Scott asked, ignoring my question.

"How I'm feeling? Oh, let's see. My so supposed friend tried to kill my other friend and he gave me scars for life. How the fuck do you think I'm feeling?" I growled. i saw Isaac roll his eyes.

"He's not your friend, Dana. He's the enemy" isaac said.

"Not my friend? He's been there for me when I needed him, he listens to me and he makes me laugh much more than when I'm with you"

"Wait, maybe we could use this to know what Decaulion is planning" A girl that I have never seen said.

"Look, I don't know who you are and I don't give a fuck. But I will not use mine and Aiden's friendship to know the alpha packs plans"

"She's my younger sister, Cora hale" Derek said.

"Yet again I don't care"

"It's either you use Aiden or you stop,,," Cora said, but was interrupted by the door opening and the person I wanted to see the most was standing there.

"You're back"

"Thank god you're ok" He whispered and came to hug me. We were hugging for gods knows how long. Someone coughed making us break apart.

"What are you doing back here?" Aiden growled once he saw Isaac.

"I'm here to see Dana" Isaac simply said and came to stand on the other side of the bed. I flinched when he put his hand on my shoulder. I was scared of him. He beat Aien up like a maniac and lost his control. Aiden saw me flinch and growled at Isaac.

"Get your hands of her!"


That's when Aiden finally snapped. Before Isaac could react, he was pinned to the wall with Aidens fingers around his throat.

"Why?! You lost control, clawed her, gave her scars for life, almost killed me and you dare to ask me why?!" Aiden shouted. The pack started to move towards Aiden, Their claw and fangs showing. I knew right then and there that if he didn't let Isaac go there was going to be a fight.

"Aiden, stop!" I shouted to him. He looked at me and his eyes were crimson red."He's not worth it"

"His eyes turned back to their warm brown eyes. He let Isaac go and walked back to stand beside me. One look in his eyes and I could see that he's blaming himself for what happened to me.

"It's not your fault" I told him and held his hand.

"Yes, it..."

"No, it's not" I said, interrupting him.

"If I didn't lose focus..."

"You didn't know that I was going to follow you"

"Dammit Alexandria, would you just listen to me? If I didn't lose focus then you wouldn't be here. You wouldn't had to save me and get three other scars. Me and Ethan would've just beaten him up and left him there" Aiden said.

"I thought you were going to kill him"

"No, we got clear instructions to not kill him. And I still wouldn't have done it" Aiden said with a shrug. I looked at him confused.


"Because when you came to our appartment, you kind of confronted me because what we did to 'poor little Isaac' " I bursted out laughing when he tried to sound like me.

"There's the beautiful laugh I wanted to hear" Aiden grinned. I blushed.

"Aiden, please. Don't ever try to speak like that ever again" I giggled.

"It made you laugh didn't it?"

Someone coughed and we both saw that the pack were still here.

"Are you two done?" Derek asked. I thought he was going to be angry and glaring at Aiden, but there he stood smirking amused. When he saw that I looked at him he gave me a wink.

"What are you still doing here?" Aiden asked.

"She's my sister, I got every right to be here" Scott said angrily.

"Scott, not right now. I'm tired and I need to rest before I can go home tonight" I muttered.

"Wait, you get out today?" Aiden asked.

"Yep, doctor said I could" I grinned.

"That's really good news" Aiden said and smiled. But in his eyes I could see that he didn't want me to go home because of Isaac. He knew that Isaac was going to stay in my house and he didn't want anything to happen to me.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry" I mouthed to him. He gave me a full smile, but the worry still shone in his eyes.

"Oh well then. We'll see you home" Scott said and left with everyone except Aiden.

"Hey, where's Ethan?" I asked him.

"He went to see Danny. When I met him in the lobby was when I heard your heart speed up and I knew something was wrong" He explained.

"Why did it take you so long?" Aiden stiffened.

"I took a shower" he said with a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes like it always did.

"Oh, ok"

Aiden's POV:

I didn't want to lie to her, but I couldn't tell her. Not yet. If I did I would put her in danger, something I was trying so hard to prevent from happening.


"Beacause I'm fucking in love with her" I shouted. It felt good to finally say it out loud. But it her that I said it to. No, instead it was my two packmates because they couldn't leave me alone. I was met by silence. The only thing that could be heard was my heavy breathing.

"You're what?" Kali asked.

"I'm in love with her" I said once again and boy did it feel good.

"No, you're not"

"Yes I am"

"No you can't be"

"And why the hell not?" I snapped.

"Aiden, are you sure?" Ennis whispered.

"Yes, I'm fucking hundred procent sure that I'm in love with her" I said. They didn't say anything. Just looked at each other before looking back at me again.

"Say five things that you love about her and why" Kali said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I love her smile. Everytime she smiles at me it makes me happy. It makes me happy knowing that I was the one that put it there. Not her brother. Not Isaac. Not even Allison or Lydia. Me. I love her laugh. Everytime I hear that beautiful laugh it literally makes my heart melt. I would do anything to hear it. I love how she always know how to make me calm when I'm on the verge to shift. She could just say one word. Just one word and I would calm down. That's why I didn't try to rip your throat out at the hospital. I love hearing her talking. No matter what it is. If it's about school, her family and friends, her best and worst memories or something silly, I wouldn't care. I would sit there not saying a word just to listen to her voice. I love how she can be so perfect without even trying. She hates wearing make-up becuase she thinks it makes her feel fake. She dosen't wear something that would show of to much skin in school. I know that she hates her scars that her brother gave her and know she have three others, because in her eyes they're ugly, that they make her look like a freak. But in my eyes they make her look like a fighter, a survivor, they're beautiful. And I would do anything to make her realise that no matter how many scars she have, she will always be beautiful to me. I love her eyes because they are the most beautiful shades of blue I''ve ever seen. They put the sky to shame. If I could I would stare in them forever. When I stare in them I forget about everything else. I want to wake up to her eyes and smile in the morning. I want her to be the first thing I see in the morning and the last I see before I close my eyes to sleep. The only thing that matters is her and nobody else. I would do anything to make her happy and I would do anything to make her feel safe. Because I love her"

"That's everything you love about her?" Kali asked.

"Do you want me to say everthing I love about her? Because it would take all night. Even the whole day tomorrow" I said.

"By the way, that was six reasons. Not five"

"Couldn't stop myself" I grinned.

"It's impossible" Ennis whispered,. His eyes so wide that I thought they were going to hurt in the morning.

"What's impossible?" I asked confused to why he's acting this way. But he didn't answer. Instead he stared at Kali. They were having their own conversation. A silent conversation.

"She can't" Kali whispered looking from Ennis to me and back to Ennis. Her eyes just as wide as his.

"Well, she is" Ennis muttered.

"But she's only human. That's impossible. Expecially for an alpha" Kali said.

"I know, but you heard how he was just talking about her. It can't be something else" Ennis said.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" I snapped.

"Well, Ennis here thinks that there's only one reason to why you're in love with Dana" Kali said looking at me.

"And that is?" I asked. I thought they were going to say something silly like
'she put a spell on you' or something like that. But never in my whole life did I expect Ennis to say those three words to me. Those three words that changed my life. Those three words that made my heartbeat stop.

"She's your mate"

When Two Different Worlds Collide (Aiden/Teen Wolf Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now