Chapter 3: Tattoo Part 3

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Note: I know that I've probably confused some of my readers with Alexandria's name. In this chapter I will explain why everyone calls her different names. Thank you all for reading this story and I hope that you'll like it.

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Alexandria's POV:

I woke up by the sunset shining on my face. My head didn't hurt as much as before which is a good thing. As I sat up I realised that I was in my bedroom.

'How did I get here?' I thought. The last thing I remember was throwing up in the bathroom downstairs. That's when I remembered. I didn't look the front door.

Then suddenly I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and got scared. I leaped from the bed and took the closest thing to me. Which happened to be my nightlamp.

When I ran to my door I could hear the footsteps coming closer. My heartbeat started to speed up and I tried to hold the lamp as steady as I could in my shaking hands.

 As the intruder opened and came through the door he had his back to me. But when he started to look around the room searching for something, the light from the hallway shone on his face. I didn't know what to feel, relieved or shock. A few seconds later I realised that he was looking for me.

"Aiden" I sighed in relieve. When he saw me standing behind the door, he looked at me then at the lanmp in my hand and back to me.

"Dana, what the heck are you doing?" he asked.

'Hold on a second, did he seriosly just ask me that? Me?' I thought as I looked at him like he just grew a second head.

"What I'm doing? What the heck are you doing? I almost killed you!" I said.

"With a white, furry lamp, Dana?" Aiden asked and raised an eyebrow. 

"I panicked when I heard someone walking up the stairs and it was the closest thing to me. Now what are you doing in my house? And how did you know where I lived?" I asked him. I walked towards my bed and put the lamp on the nightstand. 

"Uh, well..." he hesitated.


"Uh, you said that you would call me later and you didn't look so good when I last saw you and I got kinda of worried. I asked a student at the school where you lived. When I came here the front door was wide open and you were passed out in the bathroom. So I took you to your bedroom and walked back downstairs to see if anyone else was in the house,locked the door and here we are" Aiden explained. he was now sitting beside me on the bed. 

Our back against the headboard and our legs touching. 

"Dana, what happened?" Aiden then asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"I don't know. After Allison  and her father dropped me off, I got this weird feeling in my stomach and my head started to hurt. When I unlocked the door I ran straight to the bathroom. The last thing I remeber is throwing up" I said. As we both sat there in silence, my phone rang. I locked at the screen and it said 'Allison'. Since Aiden was in here with me I decided to put it on speaker.

"Hi Alex" Allisons voice greeted me.

"Hi Allison. How are you?" I asked her.

"I'm okay. How are you? You looked a little pale when we dropped you off" she wasn't the only one that noticed. I glanced at Aiden and saw that he had closed his eyes, but was still listening.

"Yeah, I didn't feel so good, you know. With everything that happened today" I sighed. Just when I thought that every supernatural threat to Beacon Hills was over, something new always comes. Scott and the pack will never get a break. 

"Do want me to come over?" 

"No, it's alright. Scott's probably just out with Stiles, he'll be back soon" I really didn't want Aiden to leave. 

"Ok well, I need to go. Just call if you need anything"

"I will. See you tomorrow, Allison"

"Bye Alex"

"Bye Allison" I ended the phone call and turned to Aiden, only to see he was already looking at me.

"Alex?" he asked, a smirk tugging at his lips. I rolled my eyes and started to explain why people called me different names.

"When I was younger I always thought that Alexandria was to long and with that I started to tell people to call me Dana. My full name is actully Alexandria Daniella Katarina McCall. So I decided to short down Daniella to Dana and that's what everyone calls me now" I explained to Aiden.

"Oh, but that still dosen't explain why Allison calls you Alex" he said still confused.

"When I told her my full name, she decided to give me a nickname and started to call me Alex. Lydia's nickname for me is Ella, you know at the end of Daniella. But she rarely calls me that. Scott, who's my brother, calls me Ri from Alexandria and that's it. Everyone else calls me Dana" I said and shrugged my shoulders. 

"Does that mean that I can also have a nickname for you?" Aiden asked with a cute smile on face.

"And what would that be?" I asked him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"How about, uhm, Rina?" he asked. I burst out laughing. 

"Rina?" Now that I thought about it, it sounded really cute.

"Fine, I'll come up with something else. What about...?" I stopped him right there as he was about to give me a new nickname.

"No no no, I like it. It's just, I've been used to all the other ones that I never really thought about having a new one" I told him.

"Well, now you have one. From now on I'm going to call you Rina. But most of the time I will be calling you Dana"

"Deal" I started to yawn.

"Tired?" I just nooded, to tired to say anything. Aiden got up from the bed and took my head of his shoulder and laid it on the pillow. Before he walked out of the room, he took the blanket that laid beneth me and put it over me. I felt him kiss my forehead.

"Goodnight, Rina" was the last thing I heard before my eyelids shut down. 

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