Chapter 15: Currents Part 2

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Derek's POV:

I woke up startled and the book that was lying on my lap fell to the floor. A noise echoing throughout the room. It took me a while to realize that it was the alarm.

I leapt from the couch, over the coffee table and made my way to the iron beam that held the alarm box and shut it off.

My werewolf hearing didn't pick up anything, which was weird. They intruder alarm doesn't just go off unless there's an intruder.

My sister, Cora, came up beside me and gave a look. A look that said the she had thought the same thing. But then something caught her eye.

"What does it mean?" She asked and nodded at something over my shoulder. I looked at her in confusion before turning around.

And there it was. The Triskelion. Their symbol. The same symbol that they put on the door of my old house. The same symbol that was meant to put the fear deep into my bones.

I walked towards the window with Cora close beside me.

'If they think that they could scare me with the Triskelion of theirs, they're going to have to try harder' I thought angrily.

"It means that they're coming," I said. "Tonight."

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Alexandria's POV:



"Nooooo...," I groaned. The red numbers from the alarm showed that it was 07.00 am. Which meant that it was time to get ready for school. I grabbed a pillow and smashed it at my face. A scream tore itself from my throat.

These past days have been hell. Derek almost dying. Scott, Boyd and Isaac trying to kill themselves. Him breaking my heart and then the black blood that I threw up last night.

I heard voices from mom's room, so I decided to check it out.

"Uh, we were watching you," I heard Isaac's voice say.

'Yeah, because that doesn't sound weird' I thought and a giggle escaped from my lips.

"We wanted to make sure that you weren't the third sacrifice," so Scott was in there too.

'Oh, this should be fun...Wait, did he just say third sacrifice' I barged into her room, unannounced.

"Did you just say 'third sacrifice'?!" I shrieked. All three of them looked startled and mom gave me a small smile.

"Sweetheart, I'm fine. You've got nothing to worry about," she said.

"But...But...He said..." I stuttered confused.

'What the hell happened after I went home?'

"I'll tell you later, Ri," Scott said and I nodded slowly.

"Either way, both of you were asleep," mom said and pointed at both of them. I walked towards mom and sat beside her on the bed. Her arm went automatically around my shoulders.

"You were on watch last," Scott said and looked at Isaac.

"What are you talking about? You were on watch last."

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