Chapter 8: Unleashed Part 1

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Alexandria's POV:

I snuggled further into the warm pillow. What I didn't expect was for the pillow to rise up and down. I opened my eyes and the first thing that came into my mind was that this isn't my room, when memories from yesterday came flooding in. I glanced beside me and saw Aiden sleeping peacefully. He didn't look like a big bad alpha. I didn't want to wake him up, so I slipped from his arms to the bathroom. After I finished my business in there in there I went back to the room and saw that he hadn't moved an inch. Deciding it was time wake him up, I climbed in the bed and shook his shoulder gently.

"Aiden, wake up."


"Aiden, come on or we're gonna be late for school."

Still nothing.

I'm done being nice now.


Not a single movement.

So instead of threatening him again, why not do it. I went to the kitchen, got a bowl full of cold-ice water and walked back to the room. Guess who squealed like a little girl? That's right. The big bad alpha, Aiden. When I dumped the water on him, he sat straight up and started to squeal. I was laughing so hard that I landed on the floor, rolling around.

"You got three seconds to run. 1...2...3," he growled.

'Oh shit' I thought and leaped to the door. But it was to late, Aiden already had wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Got you," he whispered huskily in my ear, making me shiver. We stayed like that, his arms around my waist, my back pressed around his chest. I wished that time would just stop, that we could stay like this forever. That there were no supernatural beings, no werewolves or Kanimas. It was wonderful. I turned in his arms so I could see his face and put my hands behind his neck. Our foreheads pressed against each other, noses touching. I closed my eyes and could feel his warm breath on hit my lips.

"We should get ready," he whispered. I nodded, but didn't open my eyes until I couldn't feel his hands around me anymore. We dressed and were on our way to school. Aiden on his bike and me with Derek's Camaro.

"I'll see you at lunch," Aiden said.

"Yeah, sure," I said and walked to my first period.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My second period was a free period. I know that Coach Finstock has a class now, but I always ask him if I could join. But I didn't know that Ethan and Aiden would also have this class now. They haven't noticed me yet, so I walked slowly until I was behind them.

"Hello, boys" I said in a fake British accent and put my hands on their shoulder.

"Ah, oh shit" they screamed.

"Could you stop doing that?" Aiden asked.

"Um, let me think...No! And by the way, I wasn't the one that screamed like a little girl this morning," I laughed.

"Wait, how do you know that?" Ethan asked me confused.

"Oh, I slept over yesterday. Had a fight with my brother and didn't want to back home. Didn't you see us when you got home?" I asked.

"No, I was to tired so I crashed on the couch and I was going to meet Danny this morning and was in a rush," Ethan said.

"Oh," Me and Aiden said at once.

"What are you doing here?" Aiden asked me.

"This is my free period and I always ask Coach if I could join his class," I told them.

"Why?" They asked.

"To stay in shape."

"But you don't need to. You got a perfect body," Aiden said. I blushed. Never has anyone complimented me like that.

"Thank you," I mouthed. He just smiled and gave me a wink.

"I'll see you later, Rina" Aiden said.

"Oh my God, I thought you forgot that."

"Haha, no."

"Ugh, fine," I groaned. Aiden smiled and walked away with Ethan to Isaac. They went to stand on each side of him and glanced at each other weirdly.

'They're gonna hurt him' I was scared for Isaac, but I was also scared for what he would do to the twins, so when Coach blew the whistle I ran and followed them, but they were faster than me. I ran past all of the other students and heard growling and saw Isaac, Scott, Aiden and Ethan, eyes glowing, claws and fangs showing.

"STOP!" I shouted and when Isaac saw that Aiden lost focus to look at me, he attacked him.

"Isaac, don't!" But it was to late. Isaac ran full speed at Aiden and clawed him. Aiden didn't have time to react before Isaac brought his hand up and clawed Aiden so deep and hard on the side of his face that it knocked Aiden out.

"NO! Isaac, stop it. Please! Aiden!" I shouted tears streaming down my face. But Isaac didn't stop. Even though Aiden was unconscious, Isaac kept hitting and clawing him. So I made my decision fast.

I ran towards Aiden and just as Isaac brought his hand up to claw him one last time, the blow that'll probably kill Aiden, I jumped in front of Isaac. The last blow never touched Aiden.

All of a sudden I felt an intense piercing pain shooting up from the neck and down my back, The world seemed to be in hyper drive as adrenaline pulsates through my veins with loud booms, every sound is magnified to a countless number. I couldn't breathe, my vision clouding...

I tried to concentrate on the boy lying underneath me. His face was bloody, blood still oozing from the gash and you could see that they were deep. There are colored shapes flashing in front of me making it harder to concentrate. The pain is making me gasp and stagger for breaths I cannot catch. I feel as if a million tiny insects and burning irons are scalding my back, pulsating across my body in waves of intense agony.

"Dana!" was the last thing I heard before blackness consumed me.

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