Chapter 17: Currents Part 4

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Scott's POV:

A few hours earlier

After Dana drove home, I started to hear this loud, ticking noise, which was weird. I've controlled my super hearing-ability, so the ticking of a clock shouldn't bother me. But then a sense of dread washed over me. It couldn't be a clock. The sound was too loud and not as controlled as a clock. With the ticking continuing, I followed it.

I walked through the hallways, down the stairs, the sound becoming louder the closer I got. The sound was it its loudest when I walked past the music room.

'This must be it,' I thought.

I pulled the door open and saw a figure inside. The figure was standing beside the piano, wearing a black shirt with a grey suit jacket over it, black pants and shoes. His glasses were on him like they always were and the cane in his hand, tapping against the piano.


Do you know what a metronome is, Scott?" He asked me as I went inside the room, the door closing after me. "It's a tool to help you maintain a steady rhythm once you've set the tempo. Something tells me the tempo of your life has sped up considerably in the last few hours. If you'd like I could help slow it down to a more manageable pace."

"How?" I asked him desperately.

"By helping you find Deaton. You're hearts pounding, but it's not fear. It's anger. I bet I know what you're thinking. 'Does he have something to do with Deaton's disappearance?' Tell you what. If you can take the cane away from me, I'll tell you exactly where he is. Now what do you think?" I didn't think twice before attacking him, trying to get the cane. But he moved away in the last second.

As I looked at him, I could see it in his posture that he was teasing me. And in that moment I knew, that I'd probably not got the cane, but I had to try. I need answers. So I kept attacking him.

It didn't go so good. One moment I'm attacking and he was defending and the next it was the other way around. Then he took of the tip of the cane, revealing a small, sharp blade. I tried to get past him, as he had me cornered, but he saw it coming, so he spiked me in my left shoulder with the blade. I fell to my knees, groaning in pain as I was holding the small wound, trying to stop the blood.

"Impressive, but you know I'm not the one slashing up innocent people, praying to ancient gods and gathering herbs, or whatever the hell druids are supposed to do. I am part of a pack that wants Derek dead, though. Kali is coming for him, so there's a difficult choice you're about to face, because someone is going to die tonight, and whether that's Derek or Deaton, that's up to you," he said in a bored voice. I was sick of hearing his long speeches about this and that. I want answers. Need them. And I need them now.

"Just tell me where he is," I told him. He just smiled a little and shook his head. Like all of this was a game to him.

"I'll give you a very important clue. Let the current guide you," he said and left, leaving me alone in the music room.

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Allison's POV:

There was knocking on the door, meaning that Scott had arrived. After texting him that I had found something, he had called me and told me about what happened with Deucalion and Danny before saying that he was coming over.

When Two Different Worlds Collide (Aiden/Teen Wolf Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz