Chapter 9: Unleashed Part 2

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Scott's POV:

"Dana!" I shouted and ran towards her. Her heartbeat was faint and was slowing down."What the hell, Isaac?"

"She was in the way," he simply said.

"In the way? You just fucking clawed her!"

"Scott!" Ethan shouted to get my attention. I looked at him."Her heartbeat."

I listened closely. He's right. You almost couldn't hear it.

"Shit!" I muttered and picked her up bridal style."Get your brother and go to the vet, he knows all about this and knows what to do."

Ethan nodded and went to get his brother only to be stopped by Isaac.

"You gotta be kidding me, Scott. You're going to help him?" Isaac growled.

"Isaac, I don't have time for this. Now shut up and let him go," I said and ran towards Stiles jeep. I saw Stiles pacing and muttering to himself. When he saw who I was carrying he became pale.

"What happened?" he asked. I told him the whole story while he was driving to the hospital.

"Why would she try to save Aiden if she knows that he's on of the alpha's that attacked Isaac and killed Erica?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know."

We arrived at the hospital, I grabbed my sister and ran inside. When the doctors saw Dana they took her to the emergency room. Me and Stiles sat in the waiting room after calling the pack and told them what happened.

"Hey Stiles, I'm going to look for mom and tell her what happened." I said.


I walked to the reception and asked the woman sitting there where my mom was. But she never had to answer because I saw her in the hallway.

"Mom!" I shouted.

"Scott, what are you doing here?" Mom asked me worried.

"Mom, Dana's hurt."

"What? what happened?" 

"She jumped in front of a werewolf trying to kill another werewolf and got clawed in the back. She's now in the emergency room," I explained. Mom started to cry, so I wrapped her into a hug. Both of us just stood there hugging. I took her to the waiting room where Stiles and the pack was waiting for the news on Dana.

Ethan's POV:

When Scott left I walked to my brother only to be stopped by the beta again.

"Move!" I growled.


"If you don't move now, Aiden will die and how do you think Dana will feel?" I asked him.

"She'll be fine," he shrugged.

"Fine? She'll hate you!"

"I can live with that as long as your brother die."

I let out a furious growl and clawed him twice on the chest. He started to cough, I walked past him, grabbed Aiden and walked away. We didn't come with a car so I decided to call Ennis to come and pick us up.


"Ennis, it's me Ethan."

"Ethan, what's up?"

"Do you think you can come to the school and pick me and Aiden up?" I asked him.

"Why?" he asked confused.

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