Chapter 16: Currents Part 3

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Cora's POV:

"Dana, are you OK?" I asked her. I turned to see what made her stop so suddenly, when I saw Aiden, one of the twins from the Alpha pack, walking out of what looked to be a teacher's room.

That's when I smelled it. Tears. Emotions like sadness and hurt. Radiating from the person standing next to me. Dana.

"Dana, what is it?" She didn't move. Just kept staring from where Aiden just walked out and that's when I noticed the strawberry blonde hair inside the teacher's room, before the door closed shut.

And I remembered. How Dana and Aiden had been close with each other, when me and Uncle Peter saw both of them walk out of the vet clinic together. Her going with him.

'That bastard! He played her!' I growled at the thought. I went to stand in front of her to block her vision of the door.

"Hey, look at me. Dana, look at me!" I said to her. It took her a long moment before she looked at me. What I saw broke my heart.

Dana was human. She wasn't like the rest of us in the pack. Sure, Stiles also a human, but he was smart. He knew how to solve things and he knew how to protect himself. Sort of. If you can count swinging a baseball bat, like Derek told me he did sometimes, as protecting himself. But Dana didn't. She's innocent. And I've come to see her as a close friend to me, she's actually helping my older brother, even though it took some time, she forgave for what I said to her at the hospital and she told me everything that has happened here in Beacon Hills from the moment her brother got bitten.

And to see the pain and heart break in her eyes along with tears that were just waiting to fall, broke my heart. I knew that Aiden and that so called best friend of her had something to do with this.

"Why don't you go back to the loft and help Derek out. I'll tell Coach or whatever that you didn't feel good and had to go home, alright? Or you know what, if you don't feel like it, go home and rest," I softly said to her. She managed to give me a small nod, before turning around and walking down the hallway again.

I turned around and walked towards the door, when Lydia opened the door and was about to walk out when I stopped her.

"You don't have a very good taste in guys, do you?"

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Alexandria's POV:

'Aiden and Lydia.'

Aiden and Lydia.




Those three words ran through my mind. I didn't want to believe it. She's my best friend. How could she do this to me?

And Aiden, it hasn't been three days and he has already moved on. Guess I was just a plaything for him.

'They're not worth it, darling.'

What. The. Hell.

Where did that thought come from?

And why the hell did it sound like a man?

I didn't realize that I had stopped walking and that Scott was in front of me, waving his hand back and forth in my face.

"Hey, earth to Dana. You alright? I thought that you wouldn't come in today?" He asked me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts, but the voice. It's like it's stuck in my head.

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