"Yes, his name is Blandon." Ethen answered for me.

"That's a nice name."She smiled. "Well, we need to take him for his hearing and sight test."

I nodded and brought Ethen down so I could whisper in his ear. "Go with her. Trust me, after watching Jane The Virgin -I trust no one."

He chuckled. "Okay mommy."

I looked down at Blandon and kissed his four head and let the nurse take him out of my arms.

I nodded for Ethen to follow. He obeyed and followed the nurse out.

The door opened again and two little heads of hair came running in. "Where is broder?" Canyon asked looking around for a blue bundle of baby.

"He's having tests taken on him." I answered.

"But he was just born! And he's already taking a test?!" Danny yelled.

I chuckled. "I know right."

"Mommy?" Danny leaned beside me on the bed. And Canyon followed.

"What baby?"

"Is Blandon cursed?"

"What? Where did you hear that?"

"Well daddy is cursed. And Blandon is a boy, so isn't he cursed too?"

For a 4-year old, she is really smart.

"Who told you that?" I rubbed her shoulder.

"Uncle Jesse."

"No baby. Neither of them are cursed." I reassured.


We just layed in bed until Ethen and the nurse came back with Blandon.

"He is a very smart, and healthy baby boy." She handed the baby to Ethen to hold.

"That's good." I yawned.

"Why don't you go to bed babe. I will watch the girls and Blandon."

"Are you sure? I can-" yawn, "I can watch Blandon."

"No tou get some sleep."

"Well, if you insist." I smiled and rolled over to get comfortable. And before I knew it, I was out like a light.


"I can walk by my self! Thank you very much." I yelled at Ethen.

He let go of my arm and watched me walk my way to my house. I walked up the stairs and headed indoors.

"Suprise!" Everyone screamed.

I covered my ears and looked around at who all was breaking into my house. "What the h-e-double hockey sticks?!" I yelled again.

"Suprise!" They yelled again.

I grunted and stormed past them and up the stairs. I heard Ethen talking as I went up to my room, "she's not in the best mood for a Suprise party."

I stopped in my path and slowly walked back down the stairs. Everyone's eyes were on me. "Is there food at this 'Suprise party'?"

"Ya." Someone said in the croud.

"Oh, well welcome your host." I smiled.

Ethen chuckled and handed me Blandon as I got down from the stairs. "Thanks."

"Just enjoy your self. Have fun! You just had a baby for crying out loud!"

"Yes, yes I did. So since your beautiful girlfriend is still recovering, her very loyal and handsome boyfriend should get her some food." I patted his chest with a free hand.

Bad Boy's CurseWhere stories live. Discover now