support the campaign

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This novel was created to support the campaign #ThePeopleOfSociety and to create awareness for all the people out there.

This campaign's purpose is to empower those who feel criticized, judged and labeled by society. Our generation struggles to be what society expects them to be. We feel belittled and confused as to who we truly are and what our value stands for. Instead of striving to be better people, we strive to be perfect.

Pleasing people and living up to their expectations is what we think we should be doing. But sometimes we must learn to say 'no'. Our freedom is more important than their anger. We must use our voices to protect and defend, rather than to judge and criticize and label.

If this campaign appeals to you in anyway, please don't hesitate to support and be part of it. We need voices to speak up but also to listen. Just go to thepeopleofsociety for more info and details.

❝courage is what it takes to STAND UP and SPEAK. courage is also what it takes to SIT DOWN and LISTEN.

- Sir Winston Churchill


The story would center around a girl who was was a lesbian in terms of sexual preferences. But instead of having the story revolve with the idea of her discovering she was a lesbian, it would instead be something in reverse. She will slowly realize that she was actually a heterosexual as the story progresses (also stated in the book's summary).

Before you guys complain about how I am doing this story, I want you to understand that I know what I am doing. I am attempting in something different to show the complexity and differences of the people in our society. I want to use my writing skills (do I even have one?) to speak out for all the people who feel oppressed and pressured by society's standards.

A fair warning regarding my grammar and vocabulary. I am bilingual and English is not my native language. So I may not be as clear and as poetic as I hope to be.

Constructive criticism is very much welcome. Anything to help in the flow of the story. Also, if there is anything off or insulting that I may have accidentally wrote and have gone unnoticed, please tell me. It bothers me a lot that my stories have errors or hurtful things written in them.

Uncovering Spencer | p.o.s. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora