Chapter 48: Small Victories

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The day after the trial, everyone gathered in court to hear the judge announce the sentences. They held their breaths as the main judge stepped forward.

"Yesterday the Viridian City Assembly of Judges found all allegations against Team Firestar to be true. We sentence all the accused to serve one life sentence for every victim affected. The Morgan and Winchester estates are to be confiscated by the state and all additional assets given to Team Rocket", he announced.

Everyone in the courtroom cheered as the pink-haired woman, her underlings, James' parents, and the Winchesters were taken away. Jessie and James embraced one another. Out in the hallway, shared the good new to James' grandparents, who were holding Annastasia.

James' parents were able to him before they were formally arrested. They got him alone.

"James, you've made a huge mistake", his mother warned.

"You are going to regret this", his father added.

"I am not afraid of you", James told them. "And you cannot touch us".

James' parents glared at Annastasia. Jessie stepped in front of her, blocking the baby from their view. The just gave her a dirt look before being escorted out by the police. James watched miserably as his parents, former fiancé, and almost-parents-in-law were taken away.

"Aren't you happy, James senpai?" asked Mondo as he saw James' distraught face.

"They were my family", he whispered sadly. "Families are supposed to stand together".

"Not all families work like that", said Jessie. "And since when do you care about them at all?"

"I just....wished that they could be there for me. I wish that they could....actually care about me. That they could love instead of just treating me like.....nothing more than an ungrateful heir", he said quietly.

Jessie looked at James with pity, which is something that had only happened once before, when she had looked the gunshot scar she had caused. At least her mother never hated her. And her father....she assumed her father had abandoned her family, but she didn't have any proof.

"There are a lot of other people in your life who care about you", she told him.

"Jessie senpai is right", said Mondo. "You have Jessie, and Annastasia, and Meowth, Lucy, and all your Pokémon".

"And Delia, your grandparents, even the twerps are on our side now. And the boss no longer hates us, at least I don't think he would do all this for us if he didn't like us just a little bit", Jessie added.

"Yeah, so stop yere cryin'", said Meowth.

"I'm not crying", James said defensively as he wiped his eyes.

"Let's have a picnic today", said Jessie. "We can bring sake, bento, and rice balls with us. Its very warm out".

"Well, I don't think we should bring Anna-chan outside yet", said James.

"Then we can hang out in our old room. I'm sure we can think of something fun to do in there", she said as she gave him a wink.

"Ok", he said nonchalantly.

Everyone scattered and went into Viridian City to shop, play games at the arcade, or to hit the theaters. Later that night, they all gathered at the Team Rocket HQ to celebrate their victory. Jessie and James returned to their room, which had been untouched since they had left Team Rocket. The had taken some food from the buffet area and had decided to spend the rest of the evening alone.

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