Chapter 44: Soul Connection

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"Did you get those adorable pictures that Jessie sent?" Misty asked Iris, who was typing something on her laptop, and Serena, who was combing Bonnie's hair as she walked into the room they were sharing. They were at the Pokémon Center in Lavender Town.

"Yeah. They put them all over Facebook, too", Iris replied.

"I want to see!" said Bonnie.

"De na na na", said Dedenne.

"Here she is", said Misty as she handed Bonnie her phone with the pictures.

"Aw, how cute", said Bonnie. "I'm so happy she finally opened her eyes so that we could see what she really looks like".

"I love those photos", said Serena. "You can tell how excided they are about her", said Serena. "It's actually pretty adorable how obsessed they are".

"Jessie and James said that she is getting a little bit bigger", said Misty. "And that by the end of this week she might be able to finally leave the hospital".

"Where are they going to go?" asked Iris. "There is no way they can travel with her".

"The trials are next week. Aren't we going to James' family's place?" asked Serena.

"Yep", Misty replied.

"I forgot. There is a lot going on with me right now", said Iris.

"Is everything alright?" asked Serena.

"Yeah, I've just been distracted", Iris replied.

"What are you typing?" asked Bonnie. "Were we supposed to be working on something?"

Iris turned red. "No....its...nothing important", she mumbled.

Misty looked at her screen. "She's just chatting with Cilan", she announced to the group.

Iris turned even deeper red, but Serena and Bonnie didn't notice.

"Why? Isn't he around here somewhere?" asked Serena. "He's probably in his room".

"He went back to Saffron city for a few days to see Brock", said Iris. "He left about two hours ago".

"Really? Why didn't he tell us? Ash and I would have definitely gone with him", said Misty.

"They just wanted to hang out alone. They are bros", said Iris.

"Are you jealous?" asked Serena.

"No.....I.....Cilan and I are close. I like to keep in contact is all", she said defensively. "I wanted to make sure he got there safely and we ended up chatting for a while".

"We aren't judging you", said Serena. "You don't have to defend yourself. We are all friends here".

"That's right. We don't care what you do", said Misty. "We were just curious, no hard feelings, right?"

"Right. Well I will see you for dinner", said Iris as she shut her laptop and jumped off the bunk bed.

"Actually, you won't", said Misty.

"Why not?" Serena and Bonnie asked.

"Ash and I are going somewhere", she said, trying to sound vague.

"A date?" Bonnie asked excitedly.

"Yeah, sort of", Misty replied as she blushed and looked down at the floor.

"Well have fun", said Serena. "Really, I mean it".

"Thanks. We will. I hope so at least" Misty replied.

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