Chapter 1

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My alarm's blaring sound ripped me from what was probably the worst night's sleep I've ever had. Okay, no. I have definitely had worse, like that night where I had the flu in fifth grade, on top of a broken rib? Yeah. I couldn't breathe or move without something hurting me. 

I groaned, rolling over to turn the stupid thing off. Last night was almost as bad as that time. 

First off, I just spent the night in a completely unfamiliar room: my bedroom. Yeah, I know. Why would my own bedroom be unfamiliar? Well we just moved here yesterday. That's why. I wasn't used to this room yet, especially with most of my stuff still packed away in the boxes stacked against the wall.

Secondly, I start school today. A brand new high school, as a junior. What kind of loser starts at a new school when he's just going to be graduating in two years? Oh yeah. Me.

I hated that I needed to leave everything I knew behind. But I understood why.

Simple reason: my brother's gay.

Slightly longer, more complicated reason: our parents couldn't agree about his sexuality and got divorced. Dad took me and Kyle here, to this tiny little town that's close to Kyle's college.

I didn't even know the name of this town. That's how little I was prepared for this move. Even though I knew it was going to happen since the end of January. Yeah, maybe that was my bad. But I was denying the whole move for a long time. I actually started thinking it might not happen because Dad still hadn't found a place halfway through the summer. But here we are. Just in time. 


"Colton!" I heard my dad yell through the door. "Up! Now!"

I groaned again, burying my face in my pillow. I don't know how I ever used to be a morning person. This past summer ruined me.

After another moment, I actually got out of bed. I didn't want Dad coming back to yell at me again. He would be even angrier if he had to. I didn't want to deal with Angry Dad today too. Especially this early.

Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed an apple from a bag that still had a bunch of food that needed to be put away and took a huge bite.

"Ten minutes," Dad said, coming into the room behind me. Ten minutes? To get ready to go? Who did he think I was? "Or you're walking."

My jaw seemed to unhinge itself as my mouth fell open. "I can't walk there. I don't know where it is!"

"You better get moving then," Dad said, thumping my back with his hand.

I took another bite of my apple before tossing it into the trash. Looks like that's all the breakfast I was eating today.

I managed to get ready within Dad's ten minute requirement. Although I almost missed it. He was just starting the car when I ran out of the house, shoes still in hand.

Dad looked over at me when I jumped into the front seat and sighed, shaking his head. Then, without saying anything, he backed out of the driveway. I was officially on my way to a brand new school. 

I wasn't very excited.

Turns out, I probably could have walked to the school. It was only about a three minute drive, barely enough time for me to finish tying my shoes, which was really difficult to do when you're seat-belted in and your legs are too long for their own good.

Of course, Dad had to come inside the school with me to fill out paperwork or some nonsense like that. I guess that's probably why we were here so ridiculously early. It wasn't even seven yet!

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