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The only sound was the beeping of the machine. My breathing was slow and measured. I wonder if anyone else has actually sat and listened to themselves breathing. It was peaceful to say the least. I tried listening for sounds. Besides the sound of my own breathing and the beeping, I thought I heard another person breathing. So of course I opened my eyes and took a peek.

Mia sat in a tall stool, her hair in a messy bun atop her head. I then noticed she was squeezing my hand tightly with both of hers. There were unshed tears in her eyes as she stared out of the window. I squeezed her hand and she gasped and turned. The relief and happiness on her face had me in tears, and before I knew it, I was wrapped in her arms as she cried into the crook of my neck.

"I'm so fucking glad you're okay I thought I lost you let's promise to never ever make enemies again because I can't ever lose you." I hugged her back and noticed the gauze covering my arm. Then I remembered her arm. I pulled away and took her bandaged arm and whimpered a bit. "Don't worry about me. It took a total of three stitches. Yours was about five. And then... the other... was about... well, more. Like twelve." My hand found my stomach. "Fuck," I whispered. "You were out for three days. It was hell."

I shook my head. "Ruby?" Mia sighed. "Charged with breaking and entering, attempted murder in the third degree, and harassment." Sounds right. We stared at each other for the longest time. Then she smiled a breath taking smile. The exact one I fell so hard for. "Okay, when you get out of here, we should probably have a sleepover." I frowned. "Why?" She frowned too. "What? You don't want to have a sleepover?"

"Of course I would, if I knew what you were up to." She grinned. "I want to make out and cuddle and shit." Before I could respond the door opened and in fame Travis, tugging Ethan along. "She's awake!" He almost yelled coming over and knocking the wind out of me with a bear hug only he could possibly think of giving a person who had just been stabbed.

"Travi, I've been stabbed, okay?" He putted away and looked at my sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm just glad you’re okay. I almost had a heart attack." I smiled. "Well I'm okay, so no need to reminisce,"

Finally, my mom entered. "Oh sweetheart, thank goodness you're okay!" I smiled at her, and then she started on about Ruby, and how screwed up she'd been. And all I could do was smile as Mia snaked her hands beneath mine and winds her fingers through mine, and how Travis helped Ethan to the chair at the side of the room and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, smiling at me, and my mom, her hand rested on my shoulder as she ranted.

So much love in this room. I didn't know what to do with myself. Everyone was so happy, including me. My mom didn't need my dad, I didn't need Ruby, Travis didn't have to hide his happiness and pretend not to be gay, and Mia was at my side, in perfect condition.

A tear fell before I could stop it, and my mom got a panicked look on her face. "What's wrong? Are you in pain?" I shook my head smiling big. "No. I just love you all so much." I watched her worried expression melt and a smile replace it. She looked beautiful when she smiled. I turned to Mia, and even if I hadn't told her I loved her before today, I'm pretty sure she knows I meant it.

This was by far the best day of my life. Even if I'd gotten stabbed.


The next couple of weeks, I stayed home, in too bad of a condition to even walk. Mia came over after school and cooked me things and watched cheesy indie films with me. Every few seconds, it seemed like I was telling her I loved her. It must be annoying, but she doesn't complain, only squeezed my hands and kissed me lightly on the temple.

My appointment was in a week, and I'd go under the knife. I was nervous and it was all I could think about at this point. I'd always wanted this. I'd always wanted to be a girl, to have a beautiful girlfriend and to cuddle with her.

It's rare that I get everything I've always wanted, yet I have it. Right in front of my face. "Would it be appropriate to buy you a dildo?" Mia asked. I laughed. "No!" I muttered.

"Maybe just throwing you a kick ass party then," She mused. I nodded. "You can do that. But no one likes me so no one would come." She frowned. "People like you..." She trailed off. "Chris doesn't count. He barely likes me." She scoffed. "Well you know what? I like you enough. We'll have our own fucking party. We don't need anyone else."

"Can there be cake and streamers?" I asked her, a coy smile on my lips. She turned her head towards me and kissed me. And it's one of those innocent kisses. The ones that had my mind reeling and my lips tingling. I fucking loved her.

"It'll be your party, we can do whatever you want baby girl." I kissed her again, only hungrily. But it was okay because every single one of our kisses had the underlying sweetness I adored. Her hand found its way to my face and my hands, her waist.

We broke apart a few minutes later, smiling silently at each other. "Are you coming to school?" She asked. I shrugged. "I don't want to. Not until after." She frowned by nodded. "Okay."

"The things we could do with your vagina though," I laughed and hugged her closer to me. "The things we could do with yours," I whispered in her ear.

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