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"Let's just get something clear." My mom muttered. I was sitting on the hospital bed, my toe swollen and braced. "You accidently stood too close to the car?" I nodded, biting my lip as the doctor gave me the next shot. "You would have had to be pretty close to the car, and they pulled away?" I nodded. "Yeah. Idiot, right?" She rolled her eyes.

Today was one of those you-get-six-shots-but-you-don't-get-to-know-what-for days. I mean, I know I was getting them to start my changing process and shit, but they made my muscles sore and made me pissed at everyone and super horny.

When the doctor was done, he left the room. My mom was looking at me quite suspisously. I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I asked her a little freaked out that she was staring. "Nothing, I'm just concerned about you. That foot has been hurting for a week. You've been walking on a broken toe for a week and you just now decide to tell me you were run over by a car." I sighed. "I wasn't run over by a car, my poor toe was. And I didn't think anything of it. It's just like that time I broke my thumb falling off the trampoline." She rolled her eyes. "You only hid that because you were grounded from the trampoline. I thought you learned your lesson, they had to rebreak it and all."

I shrugged. "Old habits die hard?" She shook her head. "You're hiding something."

Th ride home was nervewrecking. I was just waiting for Ruby to pop up and holler in my moms ear that she had been the one to run over my foot and it wasn't an accident and that she had a motherfucking vendetta out for me. I shuddered. My mom mistook that as a shiver and turned on the heat, only worsening my nervous sweat. Shit.

Once at the house, I ran as fast as a broken toe would allow and hid in my room for the rest of the night, refusing to come down for dinner because my toe hurt, which wasn't a complete lie.  


School could have been better today. Like, there could have not been a note in my locker explaining in detail what a certain anonymous someone wanted to do with my face if they got the chance and had an army knife on hand. There also could not have been a crowd of asshole students pushing me around making me late to class and making me have to stand at the front of the class to get a detention note and have to leave class. There also could have not been a foot in my way at lunch, making me trip and fall. Thank god I never ate at school anyway. Fuck me.

Mia wasn't here either, so I hung out with Chris. Boring ole nerdy Chris who had his nose in a god damned book, and when I tried talking to him about my problems, I was told to fuck off and get a therapist. After lunch, my day didn't get any better. While in class, some guy had thrown probably two dozen erasers at the back of my head making everyone giggle and making me want to murder them all.

At least I caught the bus, after running it down banging on the windows, of course. What, was Mia my good luck charm now? Nothing bad happened when she was around.

At home, my parents were having a shouting match. "I can't fucking believe you blew through all of that money!" My dad's hollow voice boomed. "It's for her surgery you prick! It's for your daughter!"

"I don't have a motherfucking daughter, you self-serving bitch!" I slammed the front door and walked into the front room. "Hey mom, sperm donor, how are the divorce papers coming along?" My dad glared and my mom looked shocked. "That wasn't meant for you to hear, hunny." I shrugged. "It's alright, I hear it everyday before bed." She shuddered and told me to go to my room. She didn't have to tell me twice, I ran up to my room and slammed the door and sighed, deciding to text Mia. It was the best way to keep tabs without telling her.



>What are you up to? 

Ever Enough (Girlxgirl)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें