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alright, so. 

truth is I'm not really sure where I'm going with this sequel which is why as of right now I'm going to take a break from writing it. 

I don't know how long that break will be but I'm sorry to disappoint anyone. Me writing this was mostly for you guys because I knew a lot of you wanted a sequel, but I'm swamped with end of the school year work and finals and I'm a little bit stressed lol, but hopefully I'll look back into this later on and maybe eventually finish it since it's only a few chapters til the end anyway.

I'm most likely not going to delete it anytime soon if that's what some of you are worried about because it has 10 chapters and a lot of character development, and I wouldn't want to take that away from you guys (or myself tbh), so I may just end up putting it as completed if I ever decide not to continue with it. 

thank you guys for always understanding, and continuously being such amazing readers. I really appreciate your feedback.

this isn't a goodbye, only a see you later.

- gilinskyshigh

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