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    "The second morning in a row?" Cam's voice echos. "Really?"

Matt doesn't bother responding with words, instead he grunts angrily and slams yet another wall with his fist. At this rate he'll end up punching a hole through one. 

"Sorry he doesn't realize that not everything is about him," Shannon apologizes, venom seeping through her words. "Somebody's gotta knock some sense into him sooner or later!"

"He's just feeling betrayed - you know how he blows everything out of proportion," Cam reconciles. 

"Whose side are you on!?" Matt hisses, finding his voice.

"I already sent the damn confirmation emails to Berkeley - my dream college, by the way. He's acting like he can take it back, like he can tell them 'just kidding, she doesn't want to go'. Well screw him and his big ego! I'm done with this shit." 

"You know that 'he' is standing right here," Matt huffs. His tone is recognizably softer while talking to Shannon than it was when he was talking (more like yelling) to Cam. I sigh, wishing they could work things out. 

It's so obvious how much he cares about her, but that doesn't mean he should be a dick about her making the choice to go to a better school. If anything he should be happy for her. Boys are confusing and annoying.

"What time is it?" I grumble from under my mountain of blankets, trying to block out the argument happening outside my dorm room. I can't remember exactly when I went to bed last night (technically this morning), but I know I'd probably only been sleeping for an hour or two before Matt and Shannon decided to hash it out again in the lounge of the suite. 

Getting Gilinsky back to his hotel room after the party had been a challenge; he begged me to lay with him until he fell asleep, and me being the perfect girlfriend that I am (not-so-happily) obliged. But I ultimately ended up regretting that decision due to the fact that he continuously latched onto me and wouldn't let me leave every time I tried to get out of his bed, making it especially hard to get back to campus in one piece. 

However, I had managed - it only taking a couple of hours (and some help from Shannon who had been waiting patiently outside the hotel room until I called for help). I hope Karma serves him with a dreadful hangover, at least then I wouldn't be the only one suffering. 

"Eight," Kaylan answers, sounding muffled as well. She's probably wrapped up in her own cocoon, feeling just as lousy as me. 

I let out a sigh, throwing the covers off of myself and staring up at the ceiling. I'm now sweating considering it's still summer and my blankets are pretty confining; I just wish I was still sleeping so I wouldn't be so hot. 

"I'm leaving tomorrow, Matt," Shannon continues. "You're gonna have to deal with it." 

"What if I don't want to." 

"Matt, she's trying to leave things on good terms," Cam scolds. 

"How is her leaving in the first place doing that? And what do you care anyway? You're not in this relationship so why are you even a part of this conversation?" 

"He's a part of this friendship, asshole. Get over yourself for Christ's sake!"

"If Cam asked you to stay, would you?" Matt asks, sounding deluded. 

There's a short pause in her reply, which I don't think was meant to be taken as a yes, but that's exactly the conclusion that Matt jumps to. 

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" He rages. 

lost and found | gilinskyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora