The Night You Think You Conceived (PG-PG13)

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It was a tad painful, but after a few times, it was incredibly enjoyable, even though you are not sure when exctly you conceived, because the two of you couldn't keep your hands off of each other, but you'd like to think it had been that first night.

Kid Blink

"Do you think we'll ever have kids Blink?" You cried into your husband's shoulder.

"Of course we will." He replied tightening his grip on you.

"I had my period again two weeks ago." You mumbled.

"I talked with a doctor after work today, and he said that that that is one of the best times to try to get pregnant." He informed you.

"Oh," You muttered.

Blink kissed one of the tears off of your cheek, then kissed one corner of your mouth, then your hairline, then the side of your nose, then he cuped your face in his hands and placed a tender kiss to you lips. You demanded more of his lips as you kissed him with passion. Blink had no problem uping the intensity of the kiss. Blink deepened the kiss, and you moaned into his mouth as he brushed his fingers behind your ear. He moved his other hand to start unbuttoning your dress and you worked to unbutton his shirt. You ran your hands over his his chest that was still covered by his long underware. And you went to unbutton those as well. Your hands brushed against his well toned chest, then his abdomen, as you did so, you felt him shiver against your touch and his hands had halted their actions. You smirked into the kiss you continued to share and he groaned. You broke the kiss for air and Blink looked at you shocked, the amount of air he kept in his lungs never failed to surprise you.

"Air." You muttered breathlessly in explanation to your husband. You held his gaze as you intentionally slowly undid the rest of the buttons on your blouse and untucked if from your skirt taking it off leaving only a slip covering your upper body. Blink's eye went wide.

The two of you made love into the early morning and you found out about a month later, afer missing your period for two weeks that you were pregnant, you are not entirely sure it was that night, but it sure as well could have been.


You and Spot had been trying to concieve since you two got married, but over a year had passed and you still were not graced wth a child.

"Spot, is there something wrong with me?" You sighed one night as you sat on your bed taking off your shoes. You din't have to explain what you meant because he just knew. He sighed as well and sat down besides you. Spot took off his own shoes as well and started to take off his shirt as you went to take off your dress.

"You are perfect whether we have children or not." Spot assured you.

"You sure?" You asked.

"Of coarse I'm sure." Spot smiled at you and wrapped a hand around your waist pulling you into him. He kissed you softly, quite unconventional for rough and tumble Spot Conlins. You decided that you wanted more than tender apologetic Spot, You wanted all of Spot and you wanted him now. So you turned the kiss into a much more heated kiss and since his shirt was already off, you ran your hands over his hard abbs and moved one hand down to his pants. But before you could undo the button, he pushed you onto your bed and well let's just say two days less 9 months to the day, Spot was delivering a baby on that same bed.


When you told Mush you were pregnant he passed out, apparently he didn't know that sex led to babies. But you think you know the night when you conceived.

It was seven in the evening and he was sitting at the table reading his newspaper, and you had just finished putting away the dishes you had washed from dinner. So, you sat on his lap. Mush put down his paper onto the table and smiled at you.

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